Table of Contents



"May poetry find its way to us now, wherever we are, because without its magic, we are truly not much of anything." ~Jean Mercier

"A joyful
And open heart
Lives forever
To be all that." ~Jean Mercier, A Poem a Day

"A moment lost
Is an illusion,
A cherished one
Lives in the sum of us." ~Jean Mercier

"And so travels light,
Through heartbeats
Of a life
Well lived." ~Jean Mercier

"At the hour
Of choices,
I shall think of others
And listen, even to the distant voices." ~Jean Mercier
"Be the one
To embrace the winds
Through the mountains and the fields
Through the grace of being." ~Jean Mercier

"Even asking the sky
Means much about love
In the enchanted moment;
Eye to eye with the whole." ~Jean Mercier

"I travel all over
While I blink,
While I dream,
As an encore, it is happening!" ~Jean Mercier

"In the candor of the river,
In the sparkles of the candlelight,
Aren't lights and shadows connected
After all?" ~Jean Mercier

"Into the arms of life
Love can conquer all,
And the sun will rise
When you answer the call." ~Jean Mercier

"One by one
Simple little things
With an open heart,
So love comes to life" ~Jean Mercier

Through happiness
With each embrace,
Just like you said." ~Jean Mercier

"The heroes and myths
That we are fond of,
Are the spirit
That we also find in the mirror." ~Jean Mercier

We can grow.
We can be the seed,
The water, the wind
The sky and the earth." ~Jean Mercier

"When you let go
And manifest all there is
Through love,
You will know all there is to know." ~Jean Mercier