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Kim Bayne Quotes

"....and there she stood, wondering what life held for Her, then She realized that She held the Power. All She needed to do was follow Her Dreams and let Her Faith lead the way." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Be forever on a Journey of growth, of knowledge, of Love and of Truth. Let your Life be echoed through all those whom you have met and Loved." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Be still...
breathe and release
You'll find the answer"
~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Be the Sunshine in someone's cloudy day." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Behind every beautifully strong person you know, lies a past that has made them so. They have allowed it to strengthen them as opposed to weakening them." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2015

"Blessed are those who can look for and find the gift in any challenge in Life."
~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Don't allow your Life to fly by. Slow down and enjoy the scenery." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Don't be consumed with what others think. Learn to show 'You' honest; daring and true. It is in the truth of who we are, where we can find peace." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Don't disregard your morals and beliefs for someone else's idea of what is right or wrong. Stay true to what is in your heart." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Everyday I am more blessed than yesterday. I have been given another chance at Life." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Forgive... Rid yourself of the heaviness that you feel in your soul and free yourself of the burden. You are forgiven by the grace of God, if He forgives you why can't you forgive yourself." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Gather your hopes and dreams, then send them out into the universe. Reflect on them daily and have faith they will come back to you." ~Kim Bayne

"I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to become the person I am meant to be, do what I am meant to do and live that life everyday." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"I want to thank you Lord for keeping me on my feet when I thought I would fall and for making a stronger person through it all." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"If it doesn't nourish and enrich your soul, Release it and Let it Go." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"In order to change we must first awaken...awaken from a way of life that no longer serves us. To become aware of a better way of life. a better way of thinking. To know there is more, to feel more and to be not just simply exist, because that just isn't enough anymore." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"It is in moments of weakness that we can find our strength." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Let your Light illuminate someone's darkened path, the softness of your touch give them comfort and your Smile lift their broken spirit." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Life is a series of learning experiences. You cannot have change and remain the same. The more you learn, the more you grow; the more you grow, the more you change. Embrace the change. Embrace your journey." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Look toward tomorrow with a new set of eyes, with a new sense of gratitude, free yourself from your past and enjoy your life today." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Look Within... Your soul always knows, it will guide you through your journey of life, but you have to learn to listen to it, to heed what it tells you." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"No matter how scared, tired or ill you are; no matter how lost and confused or desperate you become; no matter how lonely, depressed or cranky you feel...if you always do what you can with what you have from right where you are....
it will always be enough." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"In the face of challenges be the face of strength and grace." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Sharing your light with others helps make everything a bit brighter." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Shift your thinking from worthlessness to that of Worthiness and watch your World begin to Change." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"Storms will come and storms will go; don't forget to enjoy the rainbow." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"There are so many fantastic things waiting for you to behold. Don't let the
fear of yesterday or tomorrow stop you from enjoying what is right in front of you today." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"There is no greater Love than giving with a generous Heart and expecting nothing in return." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"There is one thing that causes worry and doubt...Fear. Fear of not knowing, not understanding and the fear of the unfamiliar. Don't let fear steal your Joy." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"There will be things in your life that are overwhelming and you don't think that you can see any light at the end of the tunnel. Hold strong, don't let your faith falter. This is just another stepping stone in life teaching you patience and understanding. Trust your journey and have faith. You will overcome this too." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"Today...I choose to walk in Sunshine and Happiness!" ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"We all have paths that we must walk and sometimes how long we are on those paths are a direct result of our decisions and thoughts. If you don't like the path you're on, go within and see if there is something you need to change." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"When someone darkens your path... use your light to show the way. Your light may be the only light they see." ~Kim Bayne

"When you arm yourself with only thoughts of love and gratitude, you open up a whole new world, one that is filled with Miracles, Love and Beauty." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

"We forget that the spoken word is like a double edge sword and it is also like a seed, and when spoken that seed is planted into the brain. Words should not be used to try to make someone feel bad or guilty. Nor should a harsh word be used to describe a color or a race. A simple word can be imprinted into the brain of a child and cause a lifetime of hurt. Using a harsh word to describe someone can cause someone to judge them unfairly. These seeds can grow and lead to a lifetime of resentment, low self-esteem and hatred. Keep your words soft and uplifting and the seeds that you plant pure. Words should be used to build someone up not tear them down." ~Kim Bayne, Live Life Positively

"When you learn to listen to and heed your intuition, it will become stronger and you will become wiser." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"You can always look at what's wrong. How about trying something different and look at what's right." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"You can't move forward with a better life living the same ole life you've been living. Change is just around the corner when you let go of and release the old." ~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014

"You cannot prevent challenges from entering your life, but, you can choose how you allow those challenges to control you." ~Kim Bayne "Optimistic Guidance" © 2014


"As a butterfly floats along so beautifully
You don't judge it from its past
that it once was an ugly green
So why would you judge a person
on their past mistakes
Maybe they too have grown
into a beautiful
~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014


"In the deepest recesses of our mind truth lives,
it is there beckoning to be heard.
It is the truth of who we are and what we are meant to do.
Don't let it be denied, grab a hold and don't let it go.
Free it, Free Yourself.
Honor it for it was entrusted to You ad You alone.
Allow it to come forth and build a stronger You."
~Kim Bayne "Live Life Positively" © 2014


"Love doesn't cause pain...People do
Love doesn't cause heartache...People do
Love is not blind...People are.
Love is Pure, Love does no wrong
Love brings Joy and Happiness.
Stop blaming Love for what People do."
~Kim Bayne
"Optimistic Guidance" © 2014

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