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Gigi Graham Tchividjian Quotes

"Encouragement is being a good listener, being positive, letting others know you accept them for who they are. It is offering hope, caring about the feelings of another, understanding." ~Gigi Graham Tchividjian

"For whatever life holds for you and your family in the coming days, weave the unfailing fabric of God's Word through your heart and mind. It will hold you strong, even if the rest of life unravels." ~Gigi Graham Tchividjian (1945-, d. Billy Graham)

"How often our hours are filled with the mundane, seemingly unimportant things that have to be done, whether at home or work. These very "daily" tasks could become a celebration of praise." ~Gigi Graham Tchividjian

"Make the least of all that goes and the most of all that comes. Don't regret what is past. Cherish what you have. Look forward to all that is to come. And most important of all, rely moment by moment on Jesus." ~Gigi Graham Tchividjian

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