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Roberta Bondi Quotes


"By putting the gift of yearning for God into every human being's heart, God at the same time draws all people made in God's image to God's self and into their own true selves." ~Roberta Bondi

"God looks at the world through the eyes of love. If we, therefore, as human beings made in the image of God also want reality rationally, that is, as it truly is, then we, too must learn to look at what we see with love," ~Roberta Bondi

"If it is God who gives prayer, then God often gives it in the form of gratitude, and gratitude itself, when it is received attentively in prayer, is healing to the heart. Prayer is such a mysterious business for something so ordinary and everyday." ~Roberta Bondi

"Prayer is such an ordinary, everyday, mundane thing. Certainly, people who pray are no more saints than the rest of us. Rather, they are people who want to share a life with God, to love and be loved, to speak and to listen, to work and to be at rest in the presence of God." ~Roberta Bondi

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