Table of Contents



"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." ~Robert F. Kennedy


“One of these days maybe the Filipino people should demand the truth. If they cannot get it from the mouth of Trillanes, then at least some people in the foreign ministry, perhaps Ambassador Brady can explain. There is a monkey-wrench at arriving at the truth." ~President Rodrigo Duterte

Latest Addition 2022

"Destiny is not designed by mere mortals like us. It is crafted by God." ~PRRD

"Love of country, subordination of personal interests to the common good, concern and care for the helpless and the impoverished - these are among the lost and faded values that we seek to recover and revitalize as we commence our journey towards a better Philippines." ~PRRD, June

"No leader, however strong, can succeed at anything of national importance or significance unless he has the support and cooperation of the people he is tasked to lead and sworn to serve." ~PRRD


"I will not allow the opening of classes. Bahala na … Wala nang aral. Laro na lang. Unless I am sure that they are really safe." ~Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte, Covid19, May 26, 2020

"Maybe I'm the first president who publicly express that I regret it, running for the presidency - not because I wanted to escape
from the burdens that I took to challenge. But simply because corruption is embedded in all, sa lahat." ~President RR Duterte

"The implementation of the National ID System could have prevented issues in the distribution of cash and food subsidies for low-income families amid the Covid-19 pandemic." ~President Rodrigo Duterte, April 13, 2020

"Values like love of country, honesty, integrity, concern for the poor and the needy, adherence to the rule of law - these are values that make our society, humane, progressive, and a nation. A simple truth that is unassailable." ~PRRD, Commencement Exercises of PMA "Masidlawin" Class of 2020 and the PNPA "Mandayug" Class of 2020, May 22, 2020

"We are not alone. But let our country lead the way in imposing a lockdown. STRICT enough to effectively kill Covid-19. LIBERAL enough, so that our people will not die of hunger, and ORDERLY enough, so that our country will not be driven towards chaos during this difficult time." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

"Your concern is 'human rights', mine is 'human lives'." ~President Rodrigo Duterte

VISIT TO RUSSIA, October 3-5, 2019
I have never accepted an honorary doctorate. I have never done anything for accolades. From my father I learned that public service is the greatest honor and its own reward." ~PRRD, October 5, 2019
“By their acts, they weaken my government’s ability to protect law-abiding citizens from the outlaws. They limit our capacity to stop the vicious cycle of internal conflict and underdevelopment. And they clip our wings making it more difficult for us to effect meaningful change for our people." ~PRRD

"We are in a country full of dreams but we lack of discipline." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, May 2020

“We only seek to curb criminality that corrodes the very structure of government. We only seek to build a credible defense against those who might be tempted to violate our territorial integrity. … Is this not something that all nations are entitled to? Is this not what democratically elected governments are mandated to do?” ~PRRD

“We want unimpeded freedom — guaranteed by our Constitution — to exercise our right to govern ourselves as a people and as we saw fit. And we want friends and partners to respect our independence to make sovereign decisions just as we respect theirs." ~PRRD


“I could not imagine a country obeying an insane leader, and I could not ever fathom the spectacle of a human being going into a killing spree, murdering old men, women and children. I hope this will not happen again. There is always a lesson to learn: that despots and leaders who show insanity, they should be disposed of at the first instance”. ~PRRD on his visit to Israel's Holocaust Memorial, September 4, 2018

"May the ties between our peoples and our countries be further strengthened for the greater peace, progress and prosperity for our nations." ~PRRD, Jerusalem, September 4, 2018

"We share the same passion for peace. We share the same passion for human beings. But we also share the same passion of not allowing a family to be destroyed by those who [have] corrupt ideologies’" ~PRR Duterte to Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of Israel. First President to visit Israel, September 4, 2018


"In spite of my (dirty) mouth, I will give you a clean government." ~Rodrigo Roa Duterte

"For I want the Filipino people to broaden their worldwide view, to be enriched by the cultures and intellectual traditions of the old civilizations of the Americas, Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East.” ~PRRD October 2019

“Love of country, subordination of personal interests to the common good, concern and care for the helpless and the impoverished - these are among the lost and faded values that we seek to recover and revitalize as we commence our journey towards a better Philippines.” ~Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President of the Philippine Republic (Asian Brooks Insight)

"My gift to you? My life and liberty." ~Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

"The standard of honesty is not what you see the guy performs … . An honesty of a man is innate in his soul. What I am looking … - men of integrity and honesty." ~PRRD


"Tumakbo ako, hindi dahil gusto kong maging Pangulo. Gusto ko lang itama ang bayan sa kamay na mga kurakot na mga politiko." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, November 24, 2018

"Don't wait for the day of your SORROW. If I don't see trees as tall as me in 6 months, you're out. I will cancel your permits." ~President DUTERTE's message to MINERS, April 9, 2018, Davao City-

"Every unlawful physical injury that is inflicted on an OFW is an injury that I personally bear as the head of this Republic." ~PRRD, February 2018

“I believe in the woman, their competence and capability.” ~President RR Duterte

"I'm fine with rallies but not with walkout in classes lalo't di naman kayo ang nagbabayad ng tuition". ~Pres. RR Duterte, February 4, 2018

"I am the head of the government, They are finding fault, they said the faults are committed by Cayetano. No. That is all me." - President Duterte, May 2, 2018

“I’d like to address myself to the International Criminal Court and to the prosecutors coming there to investigate... The war or the drive against drugs will not stop and it will last until the day I step out... If I go to prison, I go to prison; if you want to execute me, look for a country that allows prisoners to be executed by firing squad, that would make me happy." ~President Rodrigo ROA Duterte, February 14, 2018

"It is a lonely journey when you stand for the truth." ~PRRD

"Let us talk because we are old, and fighting is no longer an option for you and for me." ~PRRD to Nur Misuari, MILF Leader, July 27, 2018

"Look, I have hit the firewall. I cannot run again. For all intents and purposes, actually I am a lame duck President. If you are talking about politics, okay. I will not interfere anyway because after this, I cannot even run for a barangay captain. I have reached my limits." ~PRRD, 117th Police Service Anniversary held at Camp Crame, August 7, 2018.

“Look, you have a big head but it’s empty. There is no grey matter between your ears. It’s hollow. It’s empty. It cannot even sustain a nutrient for your hair to grow because his hair (here) is gone." ~Pres RR Duterte on UN Human Rights Chief (April 2018)

"Once your destabilization is already creating chaos, I will not hesitate to declare a revolutionary government until the end of my term." ~Pres RR Duterte

"Protect nation amid threat of terrorism." ~PRRD to cops, soldiers.(March 2018)

“Remember that sports is an effective avenue to instill discipline in our youth [to keep them] away from these (sic) societal ills." ~Pres. RR Duterte, Speech at Cebu City Sports Complex. May 19, 2018

“So the war against drugs will continue with or without the ICC, with or without the human rights (groups), with or without the politicians. It will last until the last day of my term as President." ~President RR Duterte (Philippines News Agency) 2018

"Terrorism and illegal drug trade continue to threaten the peace and stability of our nation thereby, affecting our economy and even moral fiber of our society." ~Pres. Rody Roa Duterte, Camp Juan Ponce Sumuroy, Catarman, N. Samar, October 02, 2018

“To me, that is the purpose and very essence of economic growth and development. The distribution of wealth is what we aim for and not the equalization of poverty.” ~Pres. RR Duterte (2018)

“We’re getting old. Me, they said I am dying, of course I will die someday. There’s no problem with that. Death should not worry anybody. It’s inevitable and it can happen any day so what is there to talk about”. ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (2018)

“We are poor; we may need your help but we will not do it at the expense of the dignity of the Filipinos.” ~PRRD

"Yesterday, I fired the council of Nayong Pilipino. All of them. You do not give gambling licenses or franchise for 75 years. You mean to say that, a child is born today, and 75 years later, he's that old, there will still be gambling in this city? I will not allow it." ~PRRD, 117th Police Service Anniversary held at Camp Crame, August 7, 2018.

“You want walang patayan? No deaths? You want a city with no military men, no patrol cars whatever? You want na ang punerarya bangkarota na? Madali lang. Drop your guns if you are a terrorist; drop the shabu tonight and tomorrow it will be heaven,” ~PRRD 17 January 2018


"Ang wala talaga sa akin is the hunger for money. It is only when you crave for many things, which you cannot afford dyan pumapasok, the pressure of the family for better school, more cars, more comfort. Well, I'm sorry kung dyan ka nagkaka trabaho, you just have to wait for another six years. Paalisin mo muna ako sa trabaho ko, pero not during my time, ni hindi nga ako nakakabili ng medyas." ~President Duterte, 11 February 2017

"As what I've told them soldiers, we will not have any celebration. We will go out quietly. Pack their things and go home.. It is a very sad incident in the life of the soldiers. I will not insist on a celebration because nobody won here. We are all losers here. Many died and many were wounded." ~Pres. RR Duterte, Marawi City Liberated, October 17, 2017

"I hereby declare the liberation of Marawi." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (October 17, 2017. The liberation of Marawi City from ISIS-inspired Maute terrorists.)

“When you are a foreigner, you don’t know what exactly is happening in this country." ~President RR Duterte, #ASEAN2017

President's Visit to Qatar on April 15, 2017

Excerpts from his Speech:

"A change in government will enable Mindanao provinces to gain autonomy, craft policies and implement tax laws beneficial to them." ~President RR Duterte, April 15, 2017, Qatar, on pushing Federalism

“Do not believe that the Muslim Filipinos are our enemies. The situation now is the result of imperialism. The great divide was the result of imperialism." ~President RR Duterte, April 15, 2017, Qatar

“I ran for office with clear programs for Mindanao. We don’t have any trouble with the rebellions now. The problem now is ISIS. The Philippines today is fundamentally peaceful." ~President RR Duterte, April 15, 2017, Qatar

“The economy is doing well. Time will come that your children won’t need to leave the country anymore to work." ~President RR Duterte told Filipino workers in Qatar, April 15, 2017

“The Philippines could have been a perfect country, but there was a great divide, and that is religion." ~President RR Duterte, April 15, 2017, Qatar

“There are a lot of Muslims in my Cabinet. We are trying to work out something. I hope that Allah would be most gracious to us. The merciful would grant us peace. And we hope to succeed in our peace talks. We are ready to reconfigure the land. We are ready to concede what was lost of them. And the only thing that I ask from the Moro people is that remember that we did not know that we are all victims of imperialism." ~President RR Duterte, April 15, 2017, Qatar

Source: Manila Times


"As a matter of principle, I don’t accept awards.” ~PRRD

"Do not put to naught my toil and destroy the young of my country because I will really kill you." ~PRRD,

"Give us back those Balangiga Bells. They are ours. They belong to the Philippines. They are part of our national heritage." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte 2017 SONA

"I do not need personal loyalty but I want you to continue to be loyal in this country." ~PRRD to BoC Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon, August 2017

"I have seen how illegal drugs destroy individuals and ruin families relationships." ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

“I intend to serve really the full term, with God’s will and Allah, so that I can give to the Filipino what I have promised." ~PRRD

"I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it." ~President RR Duterte

"I walked the extra mile for peace. I may not be the most decent person, but I entered with good faith." ~President Rodrigo Duterte

"I want my country to be treated with dignity." ~PRRD, May 21, 2017 (interview by a Russian Journalist)

"If you cannot even define rebellion or invasion or know where to get the definition, you have no business assuming you understand the law." ~PRRD on Risa Hontiveros, June 2017

"In the eyes of a child,
there is joy, there is laughter.
There is HOPE, there is TRUST,
A chance to shape the future.."
~PRRD with the son of slain Caloocan Police Officer 3 Junior Hilario
at the wake in Bagumbong North Caloocan. 18 September 2017

“In the nine months that I have been in office, I have pursued measures that affected many personalities. While these have enabled me to help our people, these actions also made me many enemies." ~President RR Duterte, March 24, 2017

"It was the Filipino who voted me to power, and that power will remain with the Filipino." ~President RR Duterte

"Let us work together  and lay a new foundation upon which a better Philippines can be reconstructed. Help me build a better tomorrow." ~Pres RR Duterte, SONA 2017

"May this occasion be a reminder to Filipinos that our country deserves salvation from drugs, criminality and corruption that have long plagued this nation and that our people will rise and triumph over society's ills." ~President Rody Duterte's Easter Sunday message, April 16, 2017

"My being a President is a mere title, l am human like you, and we are all equal." ~PRRD, July 2017

“My life and my career is not important. What’s important is my nation, my country. Do not belittle it.” ~PRRD

"One thing I will promise you, my brother Moro, I will see to it that Marawi will rise as a prosperous city again. We will be with you as you rebuild your homes and localities, and as you realize your dreams of a better life." ~PRRD, Speech in observance of Eid'l Fitr, 27 June 2017

"So, to the enemies of the state—number one is the Communist Party of the Philippines. No more talk, let us fight and save enough money for the arms and buy the new ones, the precision-guided missile," ~President Rodrigo Duterte , July 21, 2017

“There are those who were upset by the administration’s reforms. There are those whose lives have been affected by our people’s war against crime, corruption, and the illegal drugs. These are the people who do not wish to see me or the Philippines succeed." ~President RR Duterte, March 24, 2017

“They can do their worst, I can do better in my performance as a worker in government, period. This is a democracy,” ~PRRD in Myanmar, March 20, 2017

"To our brothers and sisters who have been affected by the violence and conflict in Mindanao. I assure you that the government is committed to securing just and lasting peace in the island. the military and the police remain hard at work to ending the crisis with dispatch, especially in Marawi." ~Pres Duterte, 27 June 2017

"To protect the people and preserve the Republic is my job and I will do it." ~Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, 12 September 2017

"We are a sovereign country, respect our sovereignty!" ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

"What is your contribution to nation-building except death and destruction?" ~Duterte to NPA Chair, Joan Sison

“While we must never surrender our sovereignty on the West Philippine Sea islands, we must face the reality that a non-confrontational approach would be the best option. There is a bit of Chinese blood in almost all of us Filipinos and I believe the Chinese are a reasonable people." ~PRRD

"Your job is to educate the faithful; My job is to eradicate those who are killing the faithful." ~PRRD to Cardinal Tagle


"Accumulate riches, not for ourselves, but for future generations and for the life that comes after.” ~President RR Duterte, Nov 1, 2016

"Dissent and criticism will make this democratic country healthy." ~Rodrigo Duterte

"....... even though all things come to pass, our deeds will outlast our mortal lives. No amount of success, power, or position can ever compensate for the greed and corruption of human character." ~President Duterte, November 1, 2016

"I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it." ~President Rodrigo Duterte, November 24, 2016 (on his arrival from Lima, Peru, his first APEC)

"I will assure Leni and the rest of the Bicol region that you will have her until the very end of her term. There is no such thing as removing the vice president" ~President Duterte (December 2016)

"I would never allow our dignity and honour to be just like a doormat before the international public." ~Pres. RR Duterte

"If you cannot mend your ways. ....... You do not have the moral ascendancy to lecture us on the sanctity of life." ~President RR Duterte, January 2017 (address to Catholic Church Leaders)

"In the fullness of God's time..." ~Pres. RR Duterte, October 16, 2016 (Brunei with OFW)

"Let us be willing heroes: patriotic, faithful and loyal to our motherland." ~President RR Duterte, January 2017

"Many of my countrymen cannot understand me right now but in the years to come they will understand. You cannot build a nation over the bones of criminals. I have to do something. But instead of helping me, you chastise me publicly." ~President . Rody Duterte, Oct. 25, 2016

"My being a President is a mere title, l am human like you, and we are all equal.' ~President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, July 2017

"... even though all things come to pass, our deeds will outlast our mortal lives. No amount of success, power, or position can ever compensate for the greed and corruption of human character." ~President Duterte, November 1, 2016

“The curfew for minors is not really a criminal proceeding as we have insisted, it is a mechanism where we take the child out of the streets to protect him from predators, from being utilized as seller of shabu, from being raped. These are the problems,” ~PRRD, 31 October 2016

"The one thing I would like to prove to America and the world, is that, there is such a thing as the dignity of the Filipino people." ~PRRD on his visit to Japan Oct 26-28, 2016

"There is no crime in my country which I cannot threaten." ~President Duterte (December 2016)

“With a keen appreciation for the immaterial treasures that bring us closer to God, let us continue to pursue an agenda for genuine change that will be for the best interest of our people. I hope that we cherish with fondness, love and gratitude the spiritual inheritance left by our ancestors and loved ones on their special day." ~President RR Duterte, 1 November 2016

"Your job is to educate the Faithful, My Job is to eradicate those who are Killing the Faithful." ~President RR Duterte, December 27, 2016 to Cardinal Tagle, CBCP

From Foreign Dignitaries, Government Officials, etc.

“He’s a tough guy but he was warm, courteous and actually quite charming." ~Murray McCully, NZ Foreign Minister. (New Zealand Herald, 23 November 2016) on meeting Pres. RR Duterte during his overnight stop-over in Auckland.

“He doesn’t beat around the bush. He has got quite firm views and he expresses them, and very colourfully." ~Murray McCully, NZ Foreign Minister, on Pres. RR Duterte, 23 November 2016 during overnight stop over in Auckland NZ

“He was speaking to the whole world, an entire audience of the world, and people are looking at him. And the words the world wanted to hear — rule of law, dispatch in business, lack of corruption, justice for all men — was spoken in well crafted language for the high and low." ~Senator Richard Gordon on Pres RR Duterte's Inaugural Speech, 30 June 2016.

"If we want our country to succeed, we need our President to succeed." ~Senator Gordon on Pres. RR Duterte, December 2016

SONA 2016

"All of us want peace; not the peace of the dead, but the peace of the living." ~President RR Duterte

"Courage knows no limits, cowardice does." ~Pres. RR Duterte, 25 July 2016

"Finger-pointing is not the way of honourable men." ~Pres. RR Duterte

"Human rights must work to uplift human dignity. But human rights cannot be used as a shield or excuse to destroy the country." ~RR Duterte, who was inaugurated June 30, 2016 as the 16th PHIL. President. (Rodrigo Duterte: Newly Elected President of Philippines Gives 1st State of Nation Address, SONA, 25 July 2016

"If we cannot , as yet, love one another, then in God's name, let us not hate each other too much." ~Pres. RR Duterte

"We cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull us back." ~Pres. RR Duterte

"We have to bond and act together. We have to help each other. For only then we can truly prevail." ~Pres. RR Duterte

"We should open all opportunities to all, irrespective of tribe, race and religion." ~President RR Duterte

"We should settle our problems not with loud voices but through whispers." ~President Duterte, to Chinese President Xi Jinping during the bilateral meeting between China and the Philippines, October 19-21, 2016

"We will strive to have a permanent and lasting peace before my term ends. That is my goal, that is my dream." ~Pres. RR Duterte

2016 to POST ELECTION May 9, 2016

"...change of administration is really change of person. " ~PRRD, 21 Sept 2016

"Don’t reveal your plans too early. Let your enemies discover them when it’s already too late." ~RR DUTERTE, (DUTERTE Cabinet: I'm 71 and you're still a child to me - May 29, 2016)

"Do not scare me about human rights, genocide. Sino bang pinatay ko? Wala naman akong pinatay na bata.I just want the law abiding citizens and God-fearing citizens of the country protected. I want them to roam around safe." ~President Duterte (August 29, 2016)

“I am a President that seeks peace with everyone. My job as President is not to look for trouble but to see to it that there are no conflicts in the Philippines.” ~Pres. Rare Duterte, 27 July 2016

"I am here to correct and established order in my beloved Country. Many will stop me, many will go against me, and many will try to kill me because my PRINCIPLE and DIGNITY over on how to fix this Country. But if God Bless me with your help, I might change this country you all be proud of, and my legacy will extend far beyond next Filipino generation." ~President Duterte

"I have no other dream but to bring peace to my country, if possible. I plead peace with everybody. I do not want any single loss either on their side or the government if possible." ~Pres. RR Duterte, 27 July 2016

"Just because you are poor, does not mean to say you have to sell shabu (drugs). Do not use poverty as a reason to destroy the lives of young people and the country." ~incoming President Rody Duterte
"If I start to name the bishops who got married or about the women in their lives, sasabog itong [simbahang] Katoliko. Do not think you are the moralizing agents of the society. As long as you are a human being, you are up to fall down... You're all pageantry." ~RR Duterte (Duterte calls Catholic Church 'most hypocritical institution', ABS-CBN, 22 May 2016)

"I have this deep, abiding faith in God but that does not mean that you have to have a religion, you have to follow somebody, that you have to get a message from this and that." ~RR Duterte (Duterte calls Catholic Church 'most hypocritical institution', ABS-CBN, 22 May 2016)

"Why would I have to go to a human being to whisper my sins and ask for forgiveness from him? Who are you to listen to my sins and give me absolution? You are not God." ~RR Duterte (Duterte calls Catholic Church 'most hypocritical institution', ABS-CBN, 22 May 2016)
"I'm sure feathers have been ruffled terribly. There's the hurt. The black propaganda and kitchen sink thrown at us. I extend my hands to opponents, let's be friends. Forget about the travails of the elections." ~RR DUTERTE

"I will not go around finding faults that would put me into something; I would rather spend my hour looking for solutions." ~Mayor Rody Duterte

“Just because you are a journalist, you are not exempted from assassination. If you are a son of a bitch, free speech won’t save you, my dear.” ~President RR Duterte on June 2016

"Let me teach you one thing about politics: a leader should know how to say no without saying no." ~RRD (DUTERTE Cabinet: I'm 71 and you're still a child to me - May 29, 2016)

"My duty as President is to uphold and enforce the law, and I will pursue and prosecute these killers to the hilt in accordance with law, and I will be–as I have been–protective of the rights of journalists, and for that matter of any citizen, of the Republic." ~Duterte., June 8, 2016

"People judge best when they condemn." ~PRRD, Sept 9, 2016 (on meeting with Filipino community in Jakarta, Indonesia)

"Politics is an ego trip." ~PRRD, 21 September 2016

"These past few days were quite virulent for all of us. This is part of a day's work in the elections. I would like to reach my hand to my opponents, let us begin the healing now." ~RR Duterte told reporters after he cast his vote.

"We cannot build a nation over the bones of our country. And we cannot solve what ails this country by killing people. But for this event and for this cause and reason, we will have to do something about it because it will be government against government." ~PRRD, 21 September 2016


On Journalists June 2, 2016

“Just because you are a journalist, you are exempted from assassination… Freedom of expression cannot help you if you have done something wrong." ~RR Duterte, 2 Jun 2016

"There are three kinds of journalists — those who are true to their craft, those who defend certain interests, and those who extort money." ~RR Duterte

"I can lose the presidency anytime, I can lose my life anytime....." ~PRRD

"It's better to tell the truth and agree on the truth. Rather than play bullshit with journalism."

"Church, journalism, politicians, police, all. There's a veil of hypocrisy. Let us unveil it so we can understand each other and live in a democracy that is run by truth, and not by vested interest of people who pretend." ~PRRD

"Don't mind my mouth and foul language. I am still the Mayor of Davao and I am enjoying the last days of my rudeness. Wait for me to formally be the President. There will be a metamorphosis of the mind. From being a caterpillar, it will blossom into a butterfly,” ~Pres. RR Duterte post election

"I will not stop. I can spend the whole six years of my presidency exposing you and attacking you..." ~PRRD

"Boycott? Good if you disappear... I don't care if no one covers me... Make this trip your last in Davao." ~PRRD

"I will never change my identity. This is what God gave me. I do not have to please or convince you. If you don’t believe in me, then it is no longer my problem. But let us stop once and for all corruption in this country." ~PRRD

"If you think I'm not sincere, that is not my problem. I don't have to please you. I don't have to convince you. Why would I go down on bended knees just for you to believe me? That is b**l s**t."

Rodrigo Roa Duterte ~June 2, 2016, News Conference


"God must have been somewhere else or he forgot that there is a planet called Earth.” ~PRRD, Yolanda hits Leyte, 2012

"I don't have the brilliance of Ferdinand Marcos, the smartness of Fidel Ramos, or the eloquence of Miriam Defensor-Santiago. All that I can offer the Filipino people is a good heart and common sense. Governance after all is just pure common sense." ~Rody Duterte

"It's better to talk for a thousand years than fight a days-war and lose lives unnecessarily." ~Rodrigo Roa Duterte, Mayor of Davao City, Philippines

"Mamayan ang nagpapasahod sa atin sa gobyerno pero ang iniisip natin malaking tax maipon. . .Kung ako presidente, 25,000 monthly income wala ng tax yan. . "Anak ng" bat ka mag-iipon ng malaking pera na mas kailangan yan ng ordinaryong tao. ." -Rody Duterte (before his Presidency)

"My business is to protect the People of the Philippines and keep intact the integrity of the Republic. That is my solemn and Sacred Duty." ~PRRD / August 24, 2016 / Taytay Rizal

"My governance will be very simple. It will revolve around the well-being of the Filipino people. I will ask them "Nakakain na ba kayo?," "Nakapagpagamot ba kayo?," "Nakapag-aral ba ang mga anak ninyo?," "Wala na ba kayong takot?." ~President-elect Rody Duterte, his message to the participants of the Food Security Forum in 21 April 2016, Davao City.

“The trouble with us in government is that we talk too much, act too slow, and do too little.” ~Mayor RR Duterte, during the Senate hearing in 2014 (Source:Excerpt from the article 'A Year of Change' to be published in The Philippine Panorama, Manila Bulletin's Sunday magazine, Jan. 1, 2017)

"We should be like a rainbow, a country of diverse colors, but united and bound with common desire of becoming a beautiful spectacle in the sky." ~R. R. Duterte

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“For the record, I believe in God, but I do not believe in religions. Period.” ~RR Duterte, 20 May 2016

“To be a justice in the Anti-Graft court was my ultimate dream." ~RR Duterte on his dreams when he was a young lawyer.

ON TYPHOON YOLANDA (November 2013)

"Although help from international agencies has been pouring in, "only the Filipino can help the Filipino at the end of the day." ~Mayor Duterte

"The food is coming in but the misery multiplies everyday." ~Rodrigo Duterte (Yolanda 2013)

"This is a journey which is brought with many danger. The odds are exponential." ~Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, Davao City Mayor (on helping Typhoon Yolanda's survivors in Leyte)

"I will not allow my contingent to be looted by anybody." ~Mayor Duterte


A former public prosecutor and a street parliamentarian who joined the movement against injustices in government during the Martial Law years, all that he wanted to be was to be a Sandiganbayan justice.

Now, a President-elect who won a landslide votes in May 9, 2016 Presidential Election

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