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Sir William Osler Quotes

"A cheerful man at the breakfast table is a great annoyance to his grouchy neighbor." ~Sir William Osler

"A man who drinks before breakfast as a rule is a heavy drinker. This is not true south of Mason and Dixon’s line. There a man may take his only drink before breakfast." ~Sir William Osler

"Common sense in matters medical is rare, and is usually in inverse ratio to the degree of education." ~Sir William Osler

"Every patient you see is a lesson in much more than the malady from which he suffers." ~Sir William Osler

"If you cannot say anything good about a man, say nothing." ~Sir Willam Osler

"It is not... That some people do not know 
what to do with truth when it is offered to them, But the tragic fate is to reach, after patient search, a condition of mind-blindness, in which The truth is not recognized, though it stares you in the face." ~Sir William Osler, physician, 1849-1919

"Look wise, say nothing and grunt. Speech was given to conceal thought." ~Sir William Osler

“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.” ~William Osler

“Nothing in life is more wonderful than faith - the one great moving force which we can neither weigh in the balance nor test in the crucible” ~William Osler

"Remember how much you do not know. Do not pour strange medicines into your patients." ~Sir William Osler

"See and then reason and compare and control. But see first. No two eyes see the same thing. No two mirrors give forth the same reflection." ~Sir William Osler

"Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants." ~Sir William Osler

"The glutton digs his own grave with his teeth." ~Sir William Osler

"The hardest conviction to get in the mind of a beginner is that the education upon which he is engaged is not a college course, not a medical course, but a life course, for which the work of a few years under teachers is but a preparation." ~Sir William Osler

"The kindly word, the cheerful greeting, the sympathetic look, trivial they may seem, help to brighten the paths of the poor sufferers and are often as “oil and wine” to the bruised spirits entrusted to our care." ~Sir William Osler

"The medical profession is one in which every man can make a success,…if he will work hard, study hard, and take an interest in his patients." ~Sir William Osler

"The physician needs a clear head and a kind heart; his work is arduous and complex, requiring the exercise of the very highest faculties of the mind, while constantly appealing to the emotions and finer feelings." ~Sir William Osler

"The young physician starts life with twenty drugs for each disease, and the old physician ends life with one drug for twenty diseases." ~Sir William Osler

"Women can fool men always, women only sometimes." ~Sir William Osler

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