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Margo Denise Wilson Quotes

"According to the Bible, God issued out some dictates after the flood in Noah's day, that set curses on certain races for their behavior even after the profound effect of a worldwise flood on ALL races. Those dictates came from God and have not changed to this day. There is not equality of character in all peoples (learned behavior with some basis in inherited qualities), nor should it be that anyone (all people are sinners, breaking God's law) should FEEL superior than another neighbor for God expects all men to love their enemies, pray for those that despitefully use them and persecute them, but in no way to be a part of joining in bad behavior, false doctrine, or shameful practices, no matter the race of people." ~Margo Wilson, FB

"Curiosity is what drives a child to want to learn to play a musical instrument, and exposure to those that already play is an excellent way to inspire that curiosity; any time one can do that for a child is to give a future blessing to a child that cannot be obtained via television, CD player or a radio or movie: hands on is always best, too." -Margo Wilson

"I am appalled that I have lived to see the BEGINNINGS of the DEMISE of LITERACY around the world!" ~Margo Denise Wilson

"I can SEE the pleasure on your face! And what I see is the pleasure of the PAST, present and future because travel helps us to see the world is a HUGE place with lots to do in it, and many, many people." ~Margo Wilson

"Ruins of ancient civilizations are the destiny of those that rule mankind with oppression and wickedness in today's world." ~Margo Wilson

"The ART of using a SWORD is an ancient art and a single person of high-skill could "wield" it in battle killing hundreds of the enemy in a single battle during a relatively short period of time. It requires a certain amount of practice and strength to use, and a skilled swordsman can be a daunting force to deal with." ~Margo Wilson on Sword

"The Golden Rule is ALWAYS the basis of a GOOD teacher, and anger, impatience, insult, malice, lack of self-control, arrogance and the like that basis of a teacher that cannot get his/her topic of understanding across to the student because the teacher themself is IN THE WAY of UNDERSTANDING - in fact, the teacher cannot teach what they do not FIRST understand themselves." ~Margo Wilson

"The Roman Forum in Rome, Italy, with a Roman Arc in the left one-third of the photo and the Colosseum in the distance. Ruins of ancient civilizations are the destiny of those that rule mankind with oppression and wickedness in today's world." ~Margo Wilson

"Travel enriches our souls and helps us see the world as a global divergency, a vast expanse we can only BEGIN to see in a lifetime. That's why it is a good thing to take our children to where our parents have taken us." ~Margaret Wilson

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