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Barbara Sher Quotes


"Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they're moving toward getting it. That's what makes life feel good: when it has direction, when you are heading straight for what you love." ~Barbara Sher

"In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life. But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them." ~Barbara Sher

"The first step is to find out what you love and don't be practical about it. The second is to start doing what you love immediately, in any small way possible."
~Barbara Sher from Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

"You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning." ~Barbara Sher

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