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John Hagee Quotes

"Bless your children regularly. Release the anointing of God into their lives to accomplish the divine destiny God has for each of them." ~John Hagee Ministries

"God is the best listener. You don't need to shout or cry because He hears even the very silent prayer of a very sincere heart." ~John Hagee Ministries

"God's promise will bring your provision." ~John Hagee

"If you are facing the most difficult situation in your life… praise the Lord! He will deliver you!" ~John Hagee Ministries

"Obviously, we cannot pray Scripture unless we know Scripture. Get into God's Word daily so you can pray Scripture with power!" ~John Hagee Ministries

"The greatest test of faith is when you don't get what you want, but still you are able to say Thank You Lord." ~John Hagee

“The man who walks with God always reaches his destination!” ~John Hagee

"The will of God does not take you where the grace of God cannot keep you." ~John Hagee Ministries

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