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Edie Talley Quotes


Appin NSW
1 Jan 2011

"I'm enjoying the sound of rain pattering on the roof of my cozy little abode. It is the perfect musical accompaniment to a good book." ~Edie Talley

"I love this time of day, when the house is quiet and everyone else is still sleeping. I love sipping coffee and watching the sun's rays spread across the clear blue sky, warming the world, warming my heart. I love this time alone with my thoughts, my dreams, and my hopes." ~Eddie Talley. FB, 2 Jan 2012

"If nothing else, traveling teaches you to appreciate home." ~Edie Talley (2013)

"London has so much history crowded into such a small space." ~Edie Talley (2013)

"Paris is beautiful! London was fabulously vibrant. Paris though just as full of people, seems more laid back and easy going." ~Edie Talley (2013)

"She smiled when I arrived, all blue skies and sunshine. But today she weeps, and I weep with her. Goodbye, Ireland." ~Edie Talley(2013)

"...watching the clouds gradually part to reveal a hesitant sun. She doesn't me to go any more than I want to leave her. We are both putting on brave faces." ~Edie Talley (2013)

"We can't really appreciate the grandeur of Europe from the photos we see. Even in medieval times, they built on a scale and with such ornateness as we in the U.S. have never conceived. My son was highly skeptical of the excessive riches and splendor he had expected to see in London and Paris, but seeing made a believer of him. These places are OLD and yet they put modern architecture to shame for their enormity, beauty, and complexity. Yes, they are opulent and most likely paid for on the backs of those who could least afford it. But the citizens are proud of their heritage, and well they should be. The blood, sweat, and tears of their ancestors went into creations that have stood the test of time." ~Edie Talley (2013)

Source: (FB)

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