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Douglas Gonser Quotes

"Having a meaningful life and being content doesn't come from being rich. It doesn't come from being popular. It doesn't come from being highly educated or thinking you're perfect. Being content and having a meaningful life comes from being honest, humble and real. It comes from being strong and standing up for your beliefs. It comes from fighting for what is right. It comes from sharing our lives by loving and serving and touching the lives of others." ~Doug Gonser

"A little love and kindness can make a difference in someone's life." ~Dougas Gonser

"Holding anger in your heart can destroy you or at least make your life miserable." ~Douglas

"I believe a man and woman should complete one another, not compete with one another. If any relationship you're in isn't worth working for, it's not much of a relationship. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We should support each others strengths and help each other with our weaknesses. I myself have to remind myself of these things." ~Doug Gonser

"I believe helping others gives us purpose. There is nothing wrong with admitting we all need help. I'm far from perfect and need help daily." ~Douglas Gonser

"I believe the bond of marriage or any relationship between two people is like a bird with the couple being the wings. It takes both wings working equally together to make the bird fly successfully. No matter how hard one wing works and tries the bird will never fly right without the other wing working together. This applies to friendships as well as marriage. The goal should be to complete one another, not to compete with one another. Love is giving, not controlling. Love is patience not pointing fingers. Love is forgiving, not finding fault. Love is divine, not difficult." ~Douglas Gonser

"I don't know much about a lot of things, but I do know loving and being loved and helping people are what makes me the happiest in life." ~Douglas Gonser

"I testify to you that if all families were altogether this would at least be a better world. Families need to spend wholesome time together. Children need love and nurturing. Families need to be courteous to one another. Each member needs to work together and do their part. Respect for each other's feelings and being able to forgive each other is also very important. No one person can make a whole family work in harmony. It takes every member. Love should be what the family is centered around, not monetary things. They just satisfy wants, not fulfill the needs. I pray that all my friends and family can find peace and harmony in their lives. Love is the answer. Love for GOD, love for JESUS CHRIST, and love for one another." ~Douglas Gonser

"If there are things in your life that don't help you and your family to grow and be happy, and are holding back from being the way it should be, respect your family and yourself enough to remove those things from your daily path the best you can. Sometimes we even have to give up a part of ourself to survive." ~Douglas Gonser

"It's sad that little children are more honest than most adults and they really say what they think. Adults can learn a lot from children. Little children are humble and teachable. They have open minds and not set in their ways." ~Douglas Gonser

"Life is not meant to be easy. It is made up of happy times, sad times, rough times, and sometimes what seems to be unbearable times. We have to take every stage and learn from it. That's what makes us strong and who we are." ~Douglas Gonser

"Listen to the words a person speaks and don't put extra thoughts or words into it." ~Douglas Gonser

"People are having hard times all over. Just to know someone even thought about them and cared is good medicine. By showing our support for one another it gives us hope and faith in humanity. It makes us feel like we aren't alone." ~Doug Gonser

"There are many good things country folk have come up with, but it never seems to change some people's views about them. This seems pretty slick. People are people. Good and bad, smart and dumb, mean and nice in all varieties." ~Douglas Gonser

"Trials are in a sense a blessing, each one makes us wiser and stronger to face the next one." ~Douglas Gonser

"We all have adversities in our life. We all have trials and tribulations. We decide how we handle them, and how they affect our lives. We can let them break us. We can let them make us hard-hearted, or we can take control of the situation and make the best of it." ~Douglas Gonser

"We all need to take a break and give thanks to GOD for all we have. It is also good for friends and families to spend time together. That's more important than making a dollar. There's a time when we have to ask, "do I work to live, or live to work?" ~Douglas Gonser

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" When it rains, it pours." ~Glena Hodgkinson Gonser

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