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Vladimir Putin Quotes

“A certain person may be elected by the public on the basis of his merit and ideals – but rarely is this person able to formulate policy." ~Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

"It's like shearing pigs, lots of screaming but little wool." ~Vladimir Putin

"It will take more than a bag of tricks in a subway to make me blink.“ ~Vladimir Putin

"Mankind has been manipulated to become 'unconscious' through the use of programming by media and politics." ~Vladimir Putin

"Muslim refugees should go to Saudi Arabia or Iran where their radical beliefs are considered the norm. You can not impose your own rules (Sharia laws) in a culture that is not your own." ~Vladimir Putin on Muslim Immigrants (2018, sourced from FB)

"Only free people in a free country can be really successful. This is the basis for economic growth and Russia, and its political stability." ~Vladimir Putin, Presidential Inauguration Speech, 7 May 2004

"Our past certainly gives us strength. But even the most glorious history in itself does not provide us with a better life. This greatness must be backed up." ~Vladimir Putin, Presidential Inauguration Speech, 7 May 2004

"The toughness and dedication you showed in directing an independent foreign policy and separating from dependency and submission made everyone listen. Now the Philippines under your leadership will not be bullied or taken for granted." ~Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, 22 November 2016, APEC - Lima, Peru

"We need to know our differences, but at the same time pay attention to the positive aspects that will help us cooperate." ~V. Putin, Waking Times, 20 October 2016

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