Table of Contents




"Be soft as you reach for your balance." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Be willing to open your mind enough to hear your Soul speaking through your heart." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Celebrate all of the blessings that are already dancing through your life! (It invites even more!)" ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

"Create a space for serenity in your day." ~Sue Krebs

"Create space in your life for peace, joy and happiness... and of course, leave a little room for magic." ~Sue Krebs

"Find peace in your heart and you will create peace in your life." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Give every moment of life permission to delight you. You'll be amazed by what happens next." ~Sue Krebs

"Hold your head high. Know that you're doing the very best you can with what you have. Sometimes, it's enough to just keep swimming." ~Sue Krebs, Soul Speaking

"I am willing to accept the peace that comes from allowing Life to support me fully." ~Sue Krebs

"I step forward with joy and confidence. I trust that EVERY step leads toward my highest good." ~Sue Krebs

"In reaching for balance, we find alignment." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"It's never too late to start being happy!" ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"It's okay if you're the only one who can hear the music of your soul. Dance to it anyway." ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

"It takes courage to keep walking when the path is obscured by confusion. Trust. Believe. And just keep walking. The way will be revealed!" ~Sue Krebs

"Let the rhythms of life carry you forward." ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

"Let your heart sing … with the sweetness of spring." ~Sue Krebs

"Let your mind get quiet enough to listen to your heart." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Life is a balancing act that we're all just figuring out as we go." ~Sue Krebs

"Life is a mixture of light and shadow, calm and storm. And it's all good!" ~Sue Krebs

"Life's ability to reveal its wonders is only limited by our ability to see them." ~Sue Krebs

"Live each day in alignment with your soul." ~Sue Krebs

"Love has already paved the path. All you have to do is take the next step." ~Sue Krebs

"My perception is the filter through which I create my reality. I choose to see endless possibilities before me." ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

"One of the challenges of life is to become comfortable being uncomfortable as we expand and move into new experiences." ~Sue Krebs /SoulSpeaking‬

"Open to the silence. Invite your soul to speak and guide you into new possibilities." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Open your heart to hear the love song that your soul is singing." ~Sue Krebs

"Open your heart to the beauty in life, and your life will reflect the beauty in your heart. " ~Sue Krebs

"Our strength comes from walking with confidence in the truth of who we are. We are LOVE." ~Sue Krebs

"Peace begins within, and radiates outward." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"Reach for the sun wherever you find yourself standing." ~Sue Krebs

"Storms contain a beauty of their own." ~Sue Krebs, Soul Speaking

"There is great peace to be found in ALLOWING the natural rhythms of Life." ~Sue Krebs, Soul Speaking

"Through soft and subtle nuances, your Soul gently guides you. Are you willing to listen?" ~Sue Krebs, Soul Speaking

"To create something new, one must be willing to see past "what is" and focus exclusively on the possibilities that lie beyond this physical dimension." ~Sue Krebs

"Ultimately, only YOU can say what is right for you in your life... TRUST yourself to BE that." ~Sue Krebs

"We are free when we allow ourselves to BE, to express and experience our authentic Selves!" ~Sue Krebs

"When we practice looking for the Light in all things, we begin to trust it's there even when it's not shining directly on us." ~Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking

"When you act with love, you never need to defend your actions." ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

"When you look for the best things in life, life shows you the best it's got." ~Sue Krebs

"Your Soul is always speaking to you, but it is only in stillness that you can hear." ~Sue Krebs / ‪SoulSpeaking‬

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