Table of Contents



"Discipline is our salvation as a nation - the key to our future greatness." ~Late President Ferdinand E. Marcos

"America must realize, there are conditions she must accept in Asia. The first is a diversity of Asian cultures, governments, economic and political systems; the second, that to run against the tide of Asian nationalism is worse than impractical as  it is also highly dangerous." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos

"And if and when my commonwealth demands that blood, to cleanse her name of any crime, to free her hands for justice, and give her strength to face the world with pride, I will gladly shed that blood, burn in sacrifice, and own whatever crime, even if it be not mine. … When my motherland calls for this holocaust, I shall lay down all hopes and dreams, all love and life, and for her die a thousand deaths and more, and yet live with her and in her pride." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos, December 1, 1939

"I cry for my people and my country." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos

"I don’t believe in courtship. It’s a waste of time. If I love the person, I’ll tell her right away. But for you, I’ll make an exception. Just love me now, and I will court you forever.” ~Ferdinand E. Marcos to Imelda Romualdez

"I have committed many sins in my life. But stealing money from the government, from the people, is not one of them." ~PRES. FERDINAND E. MARCOS

"I will die a thousand deaths, and more, for my Motherland." ~Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos

"I'll take my destiny, whatever that may be, but I'm going to fight for my dignity and my honor." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos

“It's easier to run a revolution than a government.” ~Ferdinand Marcos

"Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone - and acting alone, accept everything alone." ~Ferdinand E. Marcos

"Philippines walk before great again." ~Pres. F E Marcos 

"Politiko ka man o hindi (whether you're a politician or not), you will always have enemies; but if you satisfy six out of ten people, you are already good." ~FE Marcos as retold but Boquiren (ex Presidential Guard )

"Poverty is not a hindrance to education." ~Pres. F E Marcos

“The future is never a dream given to those who ask for miracles. It is the final shape of the efforts of many who believe in themselves, who are not afraid to blaze new trails, who are not discouraged by the countless steps ahead, and who have a clear sense of purpose and direction. Today is an affirmation of what tomorrow shall be.” ~Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Philippines

“The poignant wish for a tranquil life will find no sanctuary in today’s world. We live in a revolutionary era. It is an era of swift, violent, often disruptive change, and rather than lament this vainly, we have to decide whether we should be the masters or victims of change.” ~President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Today’s Revolution: Democracy, 1971.

"The rebels are thinking of destruction instead of construction." ~Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos

"There are no outside saviours. There is only us! The Filipinos!" ~Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos


"Beauty is not extravagance; beauty is life." ~Imelda Romualdez Marcos

I want to build a  (Culture) Sanctuary of the Filipino Soul, a showcase of Filipino creativity.” ~First Lady Imelda R. Marcos on building the Philippines International Cultural Center 

"Nobody can stop me." ~Imelda Marcos


"Mas malawak ang langit kaysa lupa.
Mas maraming solusyon kaysa problema.
Kaya wag matakot dahil may langit."
~Imelda Romualdez Marcos

Incomparable si  Imelda R. Marcos for  her  beauty,  grace,  and  elegance.  She is  naturally  born  to  such  dignified bearing.  Of  all  the  First  Ladies,  she  is  a  Class  on  her  own.

BongBong Marcos 

"Let today be the first day amongst many days, and months, and years of our continuing to work for the unity and the progress of our country." ~Ferdinand R Marcos Jr. , November 20, 2016

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