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"A beautiful heart will bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn't get you." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Always be teachable (open-minded and open-hearted) no matter how much you think you know." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Be a good loving person. People will feel who you are. You can't fake good vibes." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Be gentle with yourself. Find reasons to be happy every day." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Be kind to unkind people if you can, because they truly need it most." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Don't be so careful trying to protect yourself from pain, that you wind up blocking happiness." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Don't chase people.   If someone's a good catch,  they'll wanna be caught." ~Karen Salmansohn 

"Do not give up. There's a magnetic energy you create when you become determined and committed. The universe rewards the decisive." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Don't look for a partner who is eye candy. Look for a partner who is soul food." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Everyone you meet has something to teach you and something you can teach them." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Focus on health, energy, vitality – not weight.” ~Karen Salmansohn

"Fools take a knife and stab people in the back. The wise take a knife, cut the cord, and set themselves free from the fools." ~Karen Salmansohn

"I'm at a point in my life where I just want my family happy, my health good, my mind right and no drama." ~Karen Salmansohn

"I'm not a fan of small talk. I love to go deep. I love to find out about your childhood, your passions, your heartbreaks, your spiritual view and what keeps you up at night. I'm not a surface skimmer. I love to dive down and swim around in the realness of people." ~Karen Salmansohn

"I overthink things because I'm nervous about what could happen if I'm not prepared." ~Karen Salmansohn

“I wish I could invoice people for wasting my time.” ~Karen Salmansohn 

“If someone has hurt you, take some time to try to understand them - their childhood, their traumas, their mood, etc. … Don’t do this to simply find excuses for them. Do it to help you to heal - to de-personalise the pain. When you seek compassion for them, you wind up having more compassion for yourself too.” ~Karen Salmansohn

"If you want to find out who's a true friend, screw up or go through a challenging time … then see who sticks around." ~Karen Salmansohn

"It hurst to let go. But sometimes it hurts more to hold on."~Karen Salmansohn

"It's okay to speak up for yourself, be assertive, and refuse disrespect. It doesn't make you a bitch. It makes you someone who is setting a healthy boundaries." ~Karen Salmansohn

"It's the ones who are against you who believe in your power the most." ~Karen Salmansohn

"It's time to let go of the people and things which are hurting you-even if it hurts you to let go." ~Karen Salmansohn

"It's wonderful when you find someone who knows all about your mistakes, flaws, quirkinesses, yet, they still find you to be totally awesome." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Keep your eyes on the beauty right in front of you." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Learn to differentiate between the sound of your intuition guiding you and your traumas misleading you." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Life will always be hectic and complicated. Stop waiting for life to get easier or better in order to be happy. Learn to be happy now." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Much of the pain in life comes from having a life plan that you've fallen in love with, and when it doesn't work out, you become angry that you now have to pursue a new life plan. If you want to tame your inner demons, you must not become too attached to any particular life plan, and remain open to there being an even better, happier life plan." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Nothing in nature blooms all year. Be patient with yourself." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Often the worst of times are what lead us to the best of times because all we go through inspires us to grow into our very best self." ~Karen Salmansohn, best selling author (Prince Harming Syndrome)

"One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm." ~Karen Salmansohn

"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change." ~Karen Salmansohn

"People who are not happy with their life will often try to start drama in yours." ~Karen Salmansohn

"People will throw stones at you. Don't throw them back. Collect them all and build an empire." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Prioritise your life around kind, passionate people." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Protect yourself. Keep your distance from negative people and their drama. They have a problem for every solution." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Sometimes silence is more powerful than proving a point." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Sometimes you just need to talk about something  not to get sympathy or help, but just to kill its power by allowing the truth of things to hit the air." ~Karen Salmansohn 

"Surround yourself by people who reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel. Energies are contagious." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Surround yourself with people who clearly love your light and add to it." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Take a moment to appreciate yourself for all those tough times you found a way to move through when you thought you couldn't." ~Karen Salmansohn 

"Take all the time you need to heal emotionally. Heal at your own pace, step by step, day by day." ~Karen Salmansohn

"The best things in life are often waiting for you at the exit ramp of your comfort zone." ~K. Salmansohn

"The people to truly treasure in your life are those who are always there for matter what." ~Karen Salmansohn

"The truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it. Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable." ~Karen Salmansohn

"There is a rare breed of people that go all in. They keep their word, they give it all, they go the extra mile for those they care for. These individuals hardly ever receive the same passion and effort in return, yet never change and always give their all. Hoping that one day maybe, just maybe, they find someone as rare as them to love them as fiercely and with as much devotion. To the givers, forgivers, and selfless-lovers out there … keep being beautiful. Don't let this cold world change you, and take advantage of every little moment you are given." ~Karen Salmansohn

"There's a way to disagree with someone which is polite and respectful. The goal is to be open minded enough to truly listen - and open hearted enough to not spew hate." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Train your brain to focus on the good in every situation." ~Karen Salmansohn

"True friends say good things behind your back and bad things to your face." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Two things define us: Our patience when we have nothing and our attitude when we have everything." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Walk yourself out of your bad mood. Studies show that even a 10-minute walk immediately boosts brain chemistry to increase happiness." ~Karen Salmansohn

"We can't always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it. .... I hope you all are dancing a happy dance today - no matter what the music is playing! " ~Karen Salmansohn

"When feeling overwhelmed by a far away goal, repeat the following: I have it within me right now, to get me to where I want to be later." ~Karen Salmansohn

"When I’m in the midst of overthinking, I do a few things. I ask myself if I’ve thought this thought before - and if so - if I’ve gleaned the lesson, insight, solution from it? If it’s an old worry, I remind myself that I’ve chewed the flavor out of this worry - and refocus on something positive or simply meditate/breathe. If it’s a new thought - I focus on what aspect of the issue I can control. I remind myself: an hour of worry is even more exhausting than an hour at the gym - and it’s essential to let the worry go! I remind myself to stay focused on what I can control - and where the most joy and inner peace are to be found!" ~Karen Salmansohn

"When you reach that place where you're ready to give in and give up - keep giving it another shot!" ~Karen Salmansohn

"When your friendship circle decreases in number it's actually increasing in value." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You can forgive someone and still not want to have anything to do with them. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself of pain in your present. It's not about making room for someone painful in your future." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You can't force someone to respect you. But you can refuse to be disrespected." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You don't know how to love, if you don't know how to listen." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You have deal with so much, and done the best that you can, take a moment now to appreciate how strong you are." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You know you're getting old when your year of birth is not easily viewable in the drop-down menu, and you gotta keep scrolling." ~Karen Salmansohn

"You should never have to convince someone into loving you and wanting to be with you. You deserve to see someone who can easily see what's special in you." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Your mission: Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear." ~Karen Salmansohn

"Your words have great power. Use them to support and inspire." ~Karen Salmansohn

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