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B.J. Gallagher Quotes

"Enjoy what we have while we have it." ~B.J. Gallagher

"Everything I need to know, I learned from other women." ~B.J. Gallagher, author

"...I discovered that to 'stand for something' meant that I had to risk being disliked if I chose to follow my values. I became more and more willing to pay that price. When I was true to my values, I could feel comfortable with myself regardless of the opinions of others." ~BJ Gallagher

"Miracles can happen, even in the toughest of family situations, even after long estrangements. Healing is possible, forgiveness is granted, and love does its best to make up for lost time."~B.J. Gallagher

"Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created the female body." ~B.J. Gallagher

"Our children sometimes choose paths that we don't understand or approve of, but we must accept their right to choose for themselves." ~B.J. Gallagher

"Our innate physical durability enables us to give birth to babies and feed them, work hard, juggle multiple roles, and go the distance, outliving men." ~B.J. Gallagher


"One tree can start a forest; One smile can begin a friendship;
One hand can lift a soul;
One word can frame a goal;
One candle can wipe out darkness;
One laugh can conquer gloom;
One hope can raise our spirits;
One touch can show you care;
One life can make a difference,
Be that one today."
~BJ Gallagher


BJ Gallagher - author of Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Other Women

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