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Amma Quotes

"Behind all great and unforgettable events is the heart … Love and a selfless attitude underlie all truly great deeds." ~Amma

"Cultivate a mind that does no harm to any living being in thought, word, or deed." ~Amma

“Different people will think different things – that is the nature of the world. People have the right to have faith or not to have faith.” ~Amma

“It is at the base of the lighthouse that it is the darkest. A mosquito will never get milk from the udder of a cow, only blood. The bee draws honey from the flower, but the beetle only drubs through the dirt.” ~Amma

“No one is completely bad in this world. However bad someone is said to be, there will be something good in him. One of you could see the good in a murderer, a robber, and a prostitute. If there is goodness in us, we will also see it on others. Those are the kind of eyes we need.” ~Amma

“Only when human beings are able to perceive and acknowledge the Self in each other can there be real peace.” ~Amma

“The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God’s favorite place.” ~Amma

“Time is always favorable, but we are not favoring time, that is all. Both favor and adversity are within us only. Not knowing this, human beings become slaves to their circumstances.” ~Amma

“We have to regain our original faces rather than wearing masks. … We go more and more after the external world and we miss the inner self.” ~Amma

“When a poet sees a flower, he writes poetry about it; a scientist will conduct research on it; a boyfriend will give it to his girlfriend; a worm will eat it; a devotee of God will offer it to God. Similarly, each person comes with his own attitude. It’s their right.” ~Amma

“When there are no desires, there are no sorrows. We must be able to love without expecting anything in return, or without expecting anything from anyone else. We must always be thinking that we are the servants of all.” ~Amma

“Whether it is spiritual love or worldly love, love remains love. The difference is only in depth and degree.” ~Amma

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