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Rabbi Zelig Pliskin Quotes

"A happy and joyful person has mastered the art of thinking in patterns that create happiness and joy. Let this be your mind." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"A person who looks at life through the lens of gratitude will always find things to be grateful for. A person looking from a place of kindness and compassion will always find opportunities to be kind and compassionate." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"Experiencing joy in doing acts of kindness for others will increase the quantity and quality of your kind acts. When you enjoy doing things to help others, you will always be able to find enjoyable things to do." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"If a person decides to view life from a place of self-confidence, this confident lens will color all that he sees. More positive opportunities will appear." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"Imagine what goals you would set for yourself if you would be in your ideal state of mind using your ability to remember your greatest moments of self-confidence, recall some moments when you felt very self-confident. With your ability to use your imagination, imagine yourself acting extremely self-confident in the future. Now give yourself permission to imagine being given the gift of super great self-confidence." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"One way out of the worry pattern is to think of potential solutions. Whenever you worry about something, imagine three or more alternate outcomes." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"People who are self-confident have very different mental pictures and thoughts than people who lack self-confidence. People who feel very insecure feel that way because of what they say to themselves and what they picture about the past and the future. When they upgrade their self-talk and their mental images, they experience life very differently." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"Realize that the only limits to your imagination are the limits you put on yourself. Therefore make it a daily habit to imagine yourself having high levels of self-confidence." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"Seeing through the lens of self-confidence allows much more light in your world. A self-confident person sees further and clearer. The world appears totally different. Your outlook is so much brighter." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"Some people tell themselves, "It’s my nature to worry." But the truth is that no one is born a worrier. A person might have started worrying at a young age and have many early memories of worrying. A person might find it very difficult not to worry. But this isn’t someone’s basic nature. Worry is essentially self-talk about something negative that you hope won’t happen. You feel anxious and distressed about the possibility." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"The life of a person who loves to do acts of kindness will be a life of joy." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"The more you engage in joyful and grateful self-talk, the more your mind will be free from worry." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"We all have a constant flow of thoughts and mental pictures in our minds." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

"When a person looks through a colored lens, everything seems to be that color. If the lens is tinted yellow or blue, everything seems yellow or blue." ~Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

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