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Kent Stuck Quotes

"A farsighted person sees things afar while things near may be out of focus. It is easy for us in life to get so focused on the world and needs without that we lose focus of those nearest to us, our family and loved ones. It is good to care about those without, but not at the expense of those within. God, help us to focus on our families, to make sure we are meeting their needs. Give perfect vision to see and address our world with right balance and focus." ~Kent Stuck

"God believes in you even more than you believe in yourself.
He knows the potential that you have when you unite your life with His.
He knows the purpose you were created for and how to bring you there.
He knows when His love consumes your love, you can love out of a whole new place.
Faith is the key that opens the door to being all you were created to be." ~Kent Stuck

"If we allow our outward passions and lust to rule us.
Then know, their pretty packaging will surely fool us.
Momentary pleasures and thrills may be sweet,
But wages upon our soul will be dark and bleak.
Don't look at the outward alluring package, but what is within,
There you will find the real, rather than the illusion of sin.
The fool pursues the illusion that quickly turns to dirt and slime,
Wisdom brings fulfillment in right choices, not just a good time." ~Kent Stuck

"In the quiet morning light,
Before the activity of day,
Come get your heart right;
So that come what may,
You know where strength comes from.
You're not moved by the force of men.
You move to the beat of a different drum.
You know the power of the Christ within." ~Kent Stuck

"Is it more important to please people and meet their expectations, or to allow the peace of God to rule your heart and follow what is pleasing to Him? Walk in love, but don't be a people pleaser, be a God pleaser. If you have to compromise your heart to be acceptable to another, then they aren't your friend, they are your manipulator." ~Kent Stuck

"It is not the intellectual knowing and believing in Christ that saves a person. It is the intimate knowing of relationship and abiding in Him. Religion can deceive us to believe that the appearance of godliness is the same as the real. Real faith will reveal itself in the fruit of what it produces and the love with which it lives. Christ is the source and life's blood of such faith." ~Kent Stuck

"One of the hardest things for us to hear and accept from our earthly parents and our heavenly Father is the word, "No". What we fail to see and accept in the moment is that, "No", can carry as much or more love in it than any, "Yes". "No" looks beyond our desire in the moment to see the unintended consequences that can result. "No" is often a negative word that leads to a positive result." ~Kent Stuck

"The lies that tickle our ears come cunningly to kill and destroy us. The truth may spank us with its convicting words, but it will be there to uphold us when we embrace it. Seek out those who will not just tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what you need to hear." ~Kent Stuck

"The soul (mind, will and emotions), operating without the control and restraint of the spirit is like a train racing down a track without a throttle or a brake." ~Kent Stuck

"The way to rid the soul and spirit of anger, resentment, hate and unforgiveness, is to flush your mind and heart with copious (abundant) amounts of God's love, thankfulness, Word, prayer and presence. Where He dwells they can not remain." ~Kent Stuck

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