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Quotes from ORIAH Mountain Dreamer

"Being the fool is a little different for each of us- it's about being willing to be seen as the beginner instead of the master, the one who is not smooth and rehearsed, the one who stumbles & fumbles a little. It requires that we not take ourselves too seriously- and yet is most valuable in those areas of life that are seriously close to our hearts- in love, in creativity, in new inner or outer adventures. May we find the courage to be the fool/the beginner this weekend- entering new territory or old territory in a new way." ~Oriah from Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"I am going to put my bare feet on cool grass this weekend, perhaps take a walk on wave-soaked sand." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"I write these words to name myself- to name each of us- worthy of going home, worthy of having our longing met, worthy of awakening in the arms of the Beloved. Finding and voicing our soul’s longing is not enough. Our ability to live in a way that is consistent with our longing- our ability to dance- is dependent upon what we believe we must do. If our intention is to change who we essentially are, we will fail. If our intention is to become who we essentially are, we cannot help but live true to the deepest longings of our soul."~Oriah Mountain Dreamer from THE DANCE

"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dream of meeting your heart's longing." ~Oriah

"It takes courage to sit with our own shadow, seeing what aspects of self we find unacceptable, inviting them to speak to us. To hold with tenderness the fears we are tempted to project outward, to refuse to let them (largely unconsciously) run our individual or collective lives. . . . this is what preserves life and protects us all." ~Oriah "Mountain Dreamer" House (c) 2016

"Just acknowledging what we don’t know can be a big step in cultivating the willingness to open our minds and our hearts to learning." ~Oriah

"Just for today I will allow my movement to be shaped by my heart. I will not explain or defend. I will not apologise or seek to be understood. Just for today I will walk softly, speak little, offer what I can. Just for today I will let being what I am be enough." ~Oriah

"Life shapes us, changes us, leaves us with invisible tattoos some call scars that tingle in anticipation or apprehension (and sometimes both) when we meet another. When we are vulnerable enough to reveal ourselves, the lines that life has etched on our bodies and hearts become our invitation to another to meet us without pretence or promises, to see what we are about and show us who they are. Ah, what a gift when this invitation is offered and received." ~Oriah

"Love gives us courage. May we be men and women of courage." ~Oriah "Mountain Dreamer" House (c) 2016

"May the dreamer and poet and pirate be awake within in us this weekend, loving the adventure of looking for the treasure as much as we love finding the inner gold that guides us." ~Oriah

"Remember what you are, and let a deeper knowing color the shape of your humanness." ~The Call by Oriah Mountain Dreamer (via Susan Deborah, FB)

"Some days are harder than others. Some days the pain and the exhaustion make me lay on the floor in front of the refrigerator so I can take small breaks inbetween the kale and the cucumber, gathering the ingredients for a smoothy one at a time. I try not to mutter to myself, to breathe lightly, to accept that this is just the way it is today, that no writing will be done but no one will die if my words do not hit the page. Sometimes I have only one prayer: that we receive the bone-deep, heart-penetrating rest we need to meet another day with open hearts and willing spirits. Some days even this prayer feels like a stretch, and I wonder if my intention is more denial than hope. And then I look outside and catch a glimpse of the light of the setting sun. And something in me that has been holding on, let's go. And I am held in the arms of grace." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

“Some wounds
even after they're healed
leave us walking with a bit of a limp
But they cannot stop us from dancing.”
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"Sometimes, when our lives or sense of self has gone through a period of crumbling, we find ourselves resting on the foundation that was under layers of beliefs and habits and illusions. And from there, we can build a life that is truly sustainable, that offers what we have to give and gracefully receives what is needed." ~Oriah

"May we centre ourselves over and over in the deepest call at the centre of who we are. May we have the wisdom, the clarity and the courage to allow that call to shape our choices." ~Oriah

"Oh the journey to the centre of our personal earth. Such an epic but necessary adventure." ~Dassana Yellowbird

"Some wounds
even after they're healed
leave us walking with a bit of a limp
But they cannot stop us from dancing"
~Oriah "Mountain Dreamer" House (c) 2016

"The call is that consistent tug we feel at the centre of our lives to do more than just continue, to know and fulfil the meaning of our lives. The call is always there, whispering in the soft places of our bodies and hearts, in the longing that reminds us what we ache for at the deepest level."~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer from THE CALL

"The eqinox- equal amounts of light & darkness today on both halves of the planet. We here in the north are headed into spring after a long winter- greeting new growth, planting new seeds. Our brothers and sisters in the south are heading into autumn, the time of harvest, of knowing and holding close what has value for the winter ahead. Today is a celebration of balance, of that point just before and just after, of the pause at the end of the exhale when we regain our footing on the earth, letting her pull us toward her so we can dance lightly but with exquisite balance." ~Oriah

"The traffic flows, pedestrians walk on, the city around us buzzes back to life. ...
And I say a prayer of gratitude for the young man, with each breath offering back a thousand times the blessings he bestowed on the two men in disagreement, on all of us who were there to witness. Oh I know it could have turned out differently, that he was taking a risk of being hurt himself. But he led with his heart- you could hear it in his voice. That’s always risky, but often a choice worth making.
~Oriah House (c) 2015

"Today, May 1, 2014, is Beltane - here in the northern hemisphere, it's a mid-point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, while down in the southern hemisphere it's a mid-point between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice." ~Oriah

"Today. . . wherever we are. . . whatever comes. . . let's dance to the inner music that reminds us who and what we are!" ~Oriah

"... we might see where our attention wanders, what captures our focus- and consider what kind of a prayer, what embodiment of attention we are creating. ~Oriah

"When in doubt, listen harder. When reactive or baffled, listen deeper.” ~Oriah

"When life crumbles away, we get closer to the solid foundation underneath." ~Petra Mikat
"The call is about the finding the one thing you came here to say and saying it a thousand different ways- in your words, your actions, your choices- so you and the world can really hear it. It’s about finding the end of the one thread that glows luminescent for you and following it faithfully to the time and place- here and now- where you can weave it into the fabric of your life and so offer it to the world. It’s not about getting it right, not about living your word perfectly. It’s about coming into life-long relationship with the one word you long to know, the one word that seems at times to come so easily to others and yet has eluded you for most of your life. Out of our willingness to learn from our weakness, we develop a strength we can offer to others. "~Oriah Mountain Dreamer from THE CALL

"We make choices about how to take care of business, how to make sure we take care of our needs and the needs of those who depend on us. The question is whether or not we can let the song of our soul- our essential nature- guide those choices when fear is singing in our other ear. The question is -Which tune do we dance to? Which piper do we pay?" ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer from THE DANCE

"When I was fifteen years old I wrote: 'I want to live so that my life reflects the God I know.' How we live our lives is the story we choose to tell for our children’s children to remember, reflects what we know of the Beloved, the Mystery, of that which is sacred. How you do what you do offers stories of hope or despair, of compassion or judgement, of presence or absence." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer from THE DANCE

"Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere is the time of the longest darkness followed by the returning light. I love the promise of the light but I also value the darkness and what it brings: the deep rest and the dreaming we need for ourselves and our world; the strength and willingness to see those things in ourselves and others that shy away from the spotlight. I like to take time to sit in the dark during the evenings before the Solstice. Sometimes a Presence that speaks to me is more easily heard in the dark." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"Wisdom asks us to choose life,
She does not want us to just continue,
to hang on, to survive.
She asks us to experience life
actively, fully, every day -
to show up for all of it."
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"Words spilling onto the page, the kind of writing that comes from the sweet ache at the centre of my bones, always takes me home. It helps me catch up with myself, discover the state-of-the-union (or disunion) within, find healing and meaning. It opens me to sorrows that have been avoided and, as these sorrows are allowed, fresh joy in the ordinary and the extraordinary is felt fully." ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

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