Table of Contents



"God's Word is a life preserver that keeps the soul from
sinking in a sea of trouble."

"When food becomes our god, our appetite for the Bread of Life
is diminished." ~from Our Daily Bread

A complaining Christian is a contradiction in terms.

A good book - like a good friend - is always there in your time of need.

A heart that is focused on others will not be consumed with self.

A parent's love for a child reflects our Father's love for us.

A person who is not willing to follow is not prepared to lead.

All creation is an outstretched finger pointing toward God.

All sunshine and no rain make a desert.

Be a bridge of encouragement to someone today.

Bitterness is a root that ruins the garden of peace.

Build your life on the solid foundation-Jesus Christ.

Children of the light will not be comfortable in the dark.

Christians stand strong when they stand together.

Christians who bury their gifts make a grave mistake.

Contentment is not getting what we want but being satisfied with what we have.

Correction does much, but encouragement does more.

Courage is not the absence of fear - it is the mastery of it.

Don't merely spend time with your children - invest it.

Duty alone is drudgery; duty with love is delight.

Each new day gives us new reasons to praise the Lord.

Even if you have nothing to else to give, you can give encouragement.

Every child of God should have a growing likeness to the Father.

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.

For the Christian, the dark sorrows of earth will one day be changed into the bright songs of heaven.

Gratefulness is the heart's response to God's undeserved love.

Hope can be ignited by a spark of encouragement.

Hospitality can fill the emptiness of a lonely heart.

If you find yourself wearing a spirit of heaviness, try on a garment of praise.

If you sense your faith is unraveling, go back to where to dropped the thread of obedience.

It is better to bite your tongue than to let it bite someone else.

It's not how long you live that counts, by how you live.

Jumping to wrong conclusions is one of the greatest of all dangers.

Learn from your failures, or you will fail to learn.

Love enable us to walk fearlessly, to run confidently, and to live victoriously.

Love is more than a feeling, it's a commitment.

Obedience is another word for love and loyalty.

One proof of our love for God is our love for our neighbor.

Our love for Christ is only as real as our love for our neighbour.

Nothing is more pleasing to God than self-sacrifice that grows out of obedience.

Nothing is stronger than strength under God's control.

Own up to your sin and experience the joy of confession.

People will be judged by the way God sees them not by the way we see them.

Plan as though you'll be living for a century; live as though you'll be leaving today.

Pride and grace cannot dwell in the same place.

Reminding ourselves about God's goodness can keep us filled with His peace.

Revenge restrained is a victory gained.

Righteousness follows when truth springs into action.

Righteousness in the heart produces beauty in the character.

Salvation is infinitely costly, but absolutely free.

Satan has many tools, but deception is the handle that fits them all.

Silence can be valuable; don't break it unless you can improve on it.

Someday the scales of justice will be perfectly balanced.

Spiritual inactivity corrodes the soul.

Stories from the past can give us pointers for the present.

Sunset in one land is sunrise in another.

Tact is the knack of winning a point without making an enemy.

The character of your children tomorrow depends on what you put into their hearts today.

The darkness of trials only makes God's grace shine brighter.

The devil may be out of fashion, but he's not out of business.

The highest form of prayer comes from the depths of a humble heart.

The power of God within you is greater than the pressure of troubles around you.

The what of our future is determined by the who of eternity.

There are no degrees of honesty.

There's joy in the journey as we walk alongside each other.

There is no legacy as rich as integrity.

There's no telling what a simple act of kindness can do.

To be anxious about nothing, pray about everything.

To get better with age, get spiritually fit.

True community is not organized but exercised.

Two cannot quarrel when one will not.

Unexpected changes are opportunities in disguise.

We're at our best when we encourage others with our words, with our actions, with our presence.

We are at our best when we serve others.

We are not saved by good works by for good works.

We conquer by continuing.

We learn the lesson of trust in the school of trial.

We need not fear the perils around us because the eye of the Lord is always upon us.

We value the light more fully after we've come through the darkness.

What you will be tomorrow depends on the choices you must make today.

When it's time to die, make sure that's all you have to do.

When we are thankful for what we have, we want to share it with others.

When you can't put your prayers into words, God hears your heart.

When you feel like griping, start counting your blessings.

When you've been rescued you'll want to rescue others.

Work becomes worship when done for the Lord.

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