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Norma Hennessy Quotes

"CHANGE takes many forms. It can be a gain or a loss; an addition or deduction. A partial shift or a hundred eighty degree about face. And a change which divests a people of freedom of speech and expression is certainly not a change of growth and progress. It diverts the direction of movement from forward to backward. A reverse osmosis. As to what happens next - who knows. From outside looking in, the view could soon be closed." ~Norma Hennessy

"Courage and optimism are blessings we so often ignore and forego when they're free instruments made available for us. But those who take it, make possible of the impossible, good of the bad and make life worth living." ~Norma Hennessy

"Family is relationship in the heart. It emerges from true spirit of unconditional caring." ~Norma Hennessy

"Fatherhood is not seasonal nor is it a role with duration. A father is a father everyday and forever. The child that you raised will always bear a part of your core - that section of your soul that you have imparted for his or her becoming and that breadth of your life that you have sacrificed for his or her well being." ~Norma Hennessy

"I found that life has its way of rubbing on you a reality that sooths and knocks you down." ~Norma Hennessy

"I have learned that so often we are strangers to ourselves. We think we are when we are not. We think we are not when we are. What we often think as less for us, is actually the best that can happen for us. The 'more' that we think we deserve is actually a cashing-in of our souls. I have also learned that we naturally judge our souls far less than what it needs; that we judge ourselves by what we think and feel and not by how much we survived life's tests." ~Norma Hennessy

"It does not make sense that we are fighting for claims over territorial lands when we cannot look after our homeland." ~Norma Hennessy (July 2013)

"Life is a carousel of varying musical rhythmic parts. One part finishes off and transitions into a new lead." ~Norma Hennessy

"Life is full of mystery. It is a bitch. It is an angel. It is both. And when it is a bitch, it threshes you to a pulp, vaporising the fibres of your mind, bleeding you off to the last drop of your blood. When it is an angel, it tenderly caresses your soul . It is an enigma. It wreaks havoc within your soul and tenderly mould you into a crystal ball at the same time. It shakes you to the core and yet, it also builds you into a rock." ~Norma Hennessy

"Live on till you are not conscious of the earth anymore. By then, life for you would have taken another course, another phase, another sense, another perspective of being towards another closing and yet another new beginning." ~Norma Hennessy

"South Australia is a charming state of surprises. It is home to quiet nooks and crannies that emerge into a kind of magnificence at spring, cheery brilliance at summer and then turn enigmatic at autumn and mysterious at winter." ~Norma Hennessy

"The roads glistened in wetness under the festive evening lights of the signages along the sides of the road." ~Norma Hennessy

"The volunteer embraces the sanctity of life and risks his own for the greater number - more so for a multitude of young lives yet to see the springtime of their lives!" ~Norma Hennessy

"To lead is a lonely task ... a lonely travel on a lonely trail." ~Norma Hennessy, FB, 18 November 2012

"We allow environmental apathy and turn a blind eye to destruction of our freshwater ways, forests and lands." ~
Norma Hennessy (Juky 2013)

"When life plays a joke on you, it's not funny. Until it dawns on you that the joke was on itself and you were the unwilling joker. Laugh, however late, and catch on to life's unpredictable pulse beat. Dance on till your feet are weary. But continue to tap your toes to twilight where eternity's edge echoes your laughter and the evening enfolds you into slumber, in the comfort of its wings of joy and peace." ~Norma Hennessy, 12 June 2015

"You learn something everyday. You learn from everyone... And everything. From young to old, new to the ordinary." ~Norma Hennessy

"When you care, and you care for its own sake, then it suffices as that. When you care with an expectation to get it back, then the care becomes conditional and you are bound to get hurt. Caring that is free-flowing and is boundless expands the grace of its source. So go ahead and care. Allow the magnanimity of your spirit to share it grace by sharing unconditionally." ~Norma Hennesy

"You walk along on high heels and you feel like one leg is shorter than the other." ~Norma Hennessy

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