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David McCasland Quotes

Solar Eclipse
Attributed to Paul Mackley's photo
Facebook, 14 November 2012

"Planet earth is by God's design involves us, humans. Psalmist David marveled at the heavens, but he was more amazed that the great Creator, whose glory is above the heavens, included us in His grand plan for the ages." ~David McCasland


"As the Lord wraps His loving arms around us, we are able to embrace others 'with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God'".
~David McCasland

"Forgetfulness happens to us all, and while our occasional lapses may be amusing or annoying, a lack of memory toward God can be disastrous." ~David McCasland

"Hospitality is making room for people in need." ~David McCasland

"Humility, obedience, and praise help us remember God's faithful provision and care. Let's not forget to thank Him today for all He's done." ~David McCasland

"In all our relationships, may we seek to preserve harmony and principle in the spirit of love." ~David McCasland

"There is something within each of us that longs to be in control of our lives. It may be only a small corner where we assert our spiritual independence and answer to no one but ourselves." ~David McCasland

"True freedom comes when we allow Christ to rule our hearts." ~David McCasland

"True love has many stages during our journey through life." ~David McCasland

"We don't need to parade our failures or to pretend they didn't happen. Instead, we can thank the Lord that through His grace and power, our past is forgiven, our present is changed, and our future is bright with hope for all He has prepared for us." ~David McCasland

"We may not be able to choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude toward them. Whatever our circumstances may be, we can draw on the power of Christ for the strength to face them. 
We always have a choice--and that choice will always make a difference."
~David C. McCasland

"When our commitments are tested in the fires of life, no matter what difficulties we face, may God grant us a greater experience of His enduring love and the grace to demonstrate it each day." ~David McCasland

 "When we claim one of God's promises in the Bible, wether it is for peace of mind, courage, or provision of our needs, we place ourselves in His hands and on His schedule. As we wait, it may at times seem as if the Lord has forgotten us. But trust embraces the reality that when we stand on a promise of God, He remains faithful. The assurance is in our hearts, and the timing is in His hands." ~David McCasland

Source: Our Daily Bread

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