Table of Contents



"A heaven without other animals would be no heaven to me." ~A.D. Williams

"A kind soul is in constant bloom." ~A.D. Williams

"A single act of kindness blossoms many souls." ~ A.D. Williams

"A positive attitude pleases the mind, body and soul." ~A.D. Williams

"A smile is an act of kindness." ~A.D. Williams

"A spiritual lifestyle includes love, care, and compassion for all life." ~A.D. Williams

"A spiritual soul knows the power of forgiveness and love, and freely uses this power at every opportunity." ~A.D. Williams

"Acquiring wisdom is good. Applying wisdom is better." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of compassion, acts of mercy, and acts of kindness define a caring soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of kindness are never forgotten." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of kindness are the blossoms of the soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of kindness are the greatest gifts one can give or receive." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of kindness are the light that brightens the lives of others." ~A.D. Williams

"Acts of kindness echo. Endlessly." ~Anthony D. Williams

"Acts of kindness travel far." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals are born with innocence, curiosity and love." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals are born with love, by love, and for love." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals have children. Children they love." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals just want to be loved." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals seek love and friendship, beginning in childhood." ~A.D. Williams

"All animals seek love, desire love, and need love. Just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"All beginnings are divine." ~A.D. Williams

"All God's creatures are a unique expression of life, whether on earth for 100 days or 100 years." ~A.D. Williams

"All life deserves life." ~A.D. Williams

"All life deserves respect, dignity, and compassion. All life." ~A.D. Williams

"All life has a purpose." ~A.D. Williams

"All truth is proof, but not all proof is truth." ~A.D. Williams

"Always seek to become what you want to become, but harm no one along the way." ~A.D. Williams

"Animals don't frighten me. Mankind does." ~A.D. Williams

"Animals don't make me cry. What humans do to animals does." ~A.D. William

"Animals have hearts that feel, eyes that see, and families to care for, just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Animals should not require our permission to live on earth. Animals were given the right to be here long before we arrived." ~Anthony Douglas

"Animals were given freedom. Mankind took it away." ~A.D. Williams

"Anyone not prepared to love a pet as family, is not prepared for a family pet." ~A.D. Williams

"Art began with creation." ~A.D. Williams

"As my body grows older, my mind gets wiser, my heart softens, and my soul prepares." ~A.D. Williams

"Be at peace in your spiritual being, and you will be at peace as a human being." ~A.D. Williams

"Be gentle with your thoughts. Be kind with your heart. Be at peace with your soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Be positive. Be hopeful. Be helpful. Be happy. Be active. Be kind. Be free. Be you." ~A.D. Williams

"Be kind in your life and life will be kind to you." ~A.D. Williams

"Be kind to every kind, not just mankind." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Be true to yourself. Be true to your soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Become what you want to become, but harm no one along the way." ~A.D. Williams

"Begin each day of the New Year with caring in your soul, goodness in your heart, and peace in your mind. A great year will follow." ~A.D. Williams

"Companionship, love, and devotion are not limited to humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"Creating new paths requires moving old obstacles." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Color does not matter. Life does." ~A.D. Williams

"Courage and hope are close friends." ~A.D. Williams

"Devotion. Loyalty. Trust. Comfort. Love. These are the best characteristics of best friends." ~A.D. Williams

"Do an act of kindness every day, and your soul will be in constant bloom." ~A.D. Williams

"Do unto others should not be limited to other humans." ~A.D. Williams

"Doing the right thing will keep you on the right path." ~A.D. Williams

"Don't let your age control your life. Let your life control your age." ~Anthony Douglas Williams (Positive Attitude)

“Don’t spend your life accumulating things. Things never last. Spend your life accumulating love. Love lasts forever.” ~A.D. Williams

"Don't treat animals as animals. Treat them as living beings. That's what they are." ~A.D Williams

"Each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Each and every day on earth is a precious gift. Rise each morning knowing this, and your day will feel precious." ~A.D. Williams

"Earth is our treasure not our dump." ~A.D. Williams

"Earth's fastest animals can't outrun man's slowest bullets." ~A.D. Williams

"Earth was created for all life, not just human life." ~A.D. Williams

"Earth was created for all of us, not some of us." ~A.D. Williams

"Every animal on earth has every right to live on earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Every animal on earth is a living being with feelings, emotions, and a family life. Just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Every creature on earth is a divine creation." ~A.D. Williams

"Every life a man takes from another animal, also takes a life from another family." ~A.D. Williams

"Every life on earth is worth saving." ~A.D. Williams

"Every single creature on earth is here for a reason." ~A.D. Williams

"Everyone and everything that humanity has ever loved, or cared for, has lived on our precious earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Everyone can have a new beginning. That is why we have tomorrows." ~A.D. Williams

"Eyes do more than see. They also speak." ~A.D. Williams

"Few are capable of judging themselves. Most are capable of judging others." ~A.D. Williams

"Fill your heart with love.
Fill your mind with kindness.
Fill your soul with peace."
~A.D. Williams

"Finding an old friend is like finding a lost treasure." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Forgiveness strengthens two souls." ~A.D. Williams

"Freedom to live. This is the right of every animal on earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Go somewhere untouched by mankind, and listen to nature - the birds, the wind, and the water. It is here you will feel the spirit of the garden of creation." ~A.D. Williams

"God did not create religion. God created man. Man created religion." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"God's DNA is the universe." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"God gave the animals freedom. Man gave the animals cages, pens, aquariums, and zoos." ~A.D. Williams

"God is not a concept, or a theory, or a particle. God is everything." ~A.D. Williams

"God is not about religion. God is about love." ~A.D. Williams

"God is not an act of our imagination. We are an act of God's imagination." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Goodness and kindness blossom our spiritual garden." ~A.D. Williams

"Great leaders don't follow paths, they create them." ~A.D. Williams

"Happiness is not a place or a goal. It is a choice." ~A.D. Williams

"Happiness is not about more. It's about less." ~A.D. Williams

"Happiness is not attained by getting what we don't have, but rather by enjoying what we do have." ~A.D. Williams

"Hidden paths can't be walked without moving obstacles." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Hope exists so we may exist." ~A.D. Williams

"Hopefully you like dogs, cats, horses and all other animals, because our heavenly home is where they will return. Just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"How can we expect wild animals to survive if we give them nowhere in the wild to live?" ~A.D. Williams

"How can wild animals survive if they have no place to thrive?" ~A.D. Williams

"How one treats other animals often reflects how one treats other humans." ~A.D. Williams

"How you say it, is as important as what you say." ~A.D. Williams

"Hugs warm the heart and please the soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Human souls are spiritually linked to the souls of other animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans are not the only animal that likes to socialize with friends." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans are not the only animal to express love with kisses and hugs." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans are not the only animals trying to survive each day." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans are the only animals that seek happiness with wealth." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans need to be humane for the sake of humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"Humanity's actions must include compassion, respect, dignity, sharing, and kindness. Every decision should be made in the spirit of love. This is the humanity within humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"Humanity has the capacity to communicate with many animals, but few humans are willing to listen or to learn." ~A.D. Williams

"Humanity has the only voice in the animal kingdom. We must speak up for all animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Humanity needs to do more soul-searching and less money-grabbing." ~A.D. Williams

"Humans are not the only animals that have a family to support, love and care for." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"I am religious about kindness." ~A.D. Williams

"I am truly happy when the ones I love are happy." ~A.D. Williams

"I can spend hours watching and listening to Mother Nature. She is a dear friend." ~A.D. Williams

"I don't believe in religion. I believe in God." ~A.D. Williams

"I do not connect, at any level, with anyone who hunts animals for sport." ~A.D. Williams

"I don't have to prove other animals have a soul. Many have already shown me their soul." ~A.D. Williams

"I don't love only human beings, I love all beings. That is the spiritual way." ~A.D. Williams

"I don't see other animals as animals. I see them as our brothers and sisters." ~A.D. Williams

"I don't understand how anyone can feel satisfaction when taking the life of another animal. I don't understand." ~ A.D. Williams

"I have been witness to much in my life, but nothing tears at my heart, and makes my soul weep, more than abuse to other beings. Any beings." ~A.D. Williams

"I have experienced failures. They did not weaken me. They gave me strength." ~A.D. Williams

"I have family pets, but I do not consider them as pets, I consider them as family." ~A.D. Williams

"I have looked into the eyes of many animals. Each time I get a special feeling that is quite different from human eye contact. It touches my heart and my soul." ~A.D. Williams

"I hope the other animals will forgive us." ~A.D. Williams

"I often speak to other animals. Many people don't understand why I do this. That's okay, the other animals understand why." ~A.D. Williams

"I see God every day. For God is in everything I see." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"I would rather be amongst forest animals and the sounds of nature, than amongst city traffic and the noise of man." ~A.D. Williams

"If a thought or an action does not feel right, it is a caution flag from the soul." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"If animals could speak mankind would weep." ~A.D. Williams

"If it is here, there is a reason, there is a purpose." ~A.D. Williams

"If mankind does not love and respect other species they will not survive." ~ A.D. Williams

"If other animals could ask us why we have treated them with harm, what would we reply?" ~A.D. Williams

"If they breathe, they are our brethren." ~A.D. Williams

"If they breathe they live. If they live they feel. If they feel they love. If they love they are aware. If they are aware they have a soul." ~A.D. Williams

"If we could read the minds of animals we would find only truths." ~A.D. Williams

"If we loved and cared for animals, the way we were intended, we would understand that they are an integral part of our earthly and spiritual family." ~A. D. Williams

"If we pursued peace the way we pursued money, heaven would touch earth." ~A.D. Williams

"If we seek a positive outcome, we must begin with a positive attitude." ~Anthony Douglas Williams (Positive Attitude)

"If you don't believe in miracles, you will see none." ~A.D. Williams

"If you don't believe other animals have souls, you have not looked long enough into their eyes." ~A.D. Williams

"If you listen, you can hear Mother Earth speaking." ~A.D. Williams

“If you listen, you can hear Mother Nature speaking.” ~A.D. Williams

"If you want to be happy. You will be." ~Anthony Douglas Williams (Positive Attitude)

"If you want to see God, just open your eyes." ~A.D. Williams

"Imagine if all humanity lived in the spirit of love and respect. This is peace on earth. This is heaven." ~A.D. Williams

"Imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other. Imagine." ~A.D. Williams

"Imagination has no boundaries or restrictions. Use this limitless power in the spirit of goodness." ~A.D. Williams

"In heaven all words are thoughtful, all acts are kind, all life is respected, and every moment is enjoyed. If we chose to live this way now, we would experience heaven on earth." ~A.D. Williams

"In the beginning all animals were given freedom. We must return this gift." ~A.D. Williams

"In times of darkness, turn on your soul's light." ~A.D. Williams

"It's not what we become in life that's important. It's what we overcome in life that's important." ~A.D. Williams

"It is our collective responsibility to help the helpless, house the homeless, mother the motherless, love the unloved, and care for the uncared. This applies to other humans and other animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Kind souls think kind thoughts, do kind acts and say kind words." ~A.D. Williams

"Kind words are great. Kind acts are greater." ~A.D. Williams

"Kind words come from kind hearts. Gentle words come from gentle souls." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness attracts love and respect." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness begins with a smile." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness begins with the words we choose." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness brings love. Love brings respect. Respect brings truth. Truth brings peace." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness comes naturally, when we listen to our soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness is a choice. A good choice." ~ A.D. Williams

"Kindness is like honey; it sweetens everything it touches." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness is not an act. It is a lifestyle." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness is the fragrance of spirituality." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness is the master key to life." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness is the secret path to happiness." ~ A.D. Williams

"Kindness overcomes." ~A.D. Williams

"Kindness travels far." ~AD Williams

"Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Let animals be." ~A.D. Williams

"Let your mind know truth.
Let your body grow healthy.
Let your heart flow with love.
Let your soul glow in eternity."
~A.D. Williams

"Lies evaporate when exposed to truth's light." ~A.D. Williams

"Lies sleep in minds. Truths sleep in souls." ~A.D. Williams

"Life is a dance, enjoy every step." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Life is about doing the best we can, with what we are given, in the spirit of love." ~A.D. Williams

"Life is art in the purest form." ~A.D. Williams

"Life is not complicated. Mankind is." ~A.D. Williams

"Life is the best teacher." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Like the sun, we are attracted to people who shine with warmth and brightness." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Listen to your heart, it seeks more love.
Listen to your body, it seeks more care.
Listen to your mind, it seeks more truth.
Listen to your soul, it seeks more prayer."
~A.D. Williams

"Listening and observing are the shortest routes to wisdom." ~A.D. Williams

"Look at animals kindly, and they will see. Talk to animals gently, and they will listen." ~A.D. Williams

"Look for happiness in little things and live a large life." ~A.D. Williams

"Lost souls fight nature. Spiritual souls embrace nature." ~A.D. Williams

"Love all creation, and you will feel heaven on earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Love and respect for all humanity begins when we love and respect all animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Love and respect for other animals begins in childhood." ~A.D. Williams

"Love has the power to cure, to heal, to calm, to change, and to unite. Use this power often." ~A.D. Williams

"Love is the greatest gift we can give or receive." ~A.D. Williams

"Love is the secret password to every soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Man is not the only animal on a lifelong journey." ~A.D. Williams

"Man is not the only animal that likes to have fun, to play, to find the joy in life." ~A.D. Williams

"Man is not the only animal that wants to live in freedom and peace." ~A.D. Williams

"Man isn't the only animal trying to survive every day." ~A.D Williams

"Man is the only animal that can save earth. Yet, man is the only animal that continues to destroy earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Man was given much by nature. Man has taken much from nature. It is time to give back." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind's cruelty and abuse to other people will not cease until mankind ceases cruelty and abuse to other animals." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind did not create God. God created mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind is not the only animal that laughs, cries, thinks, feels, and loves. The sooner we acknowledge that animals are emotional beings, the sooner we will cease destroying animals and embrace them as our brothers and sisters." ~A.D. Williams

“Mankind is the only animal given the capacity to save earth or destroy earth. It is our choice.” ~A.D. Williams

"Mankind must become harmless before becoming harmonious." ~ A.D. Williams

"Mankind must cease harming the harmless." ~A.D. Williams

“Mankind was appointed the guardian of earth. I wish we would act like guardians.” ~A.D. Williams

"Many animals are smarter than we think. Many humans are not as smart as we think." ~A.D. Williams

"Many don't understand why I talk to animals in a different tone. That's OK. The animals understand." ~A.D. Williams

"Many have tried to alter truth, but no one has ever succeeded." ~A.D. Williams

"May we be blessed with peace on earth for our children." ~A.D. Williams

"Mingle often with good people to keep your soul nourished." ~A.D. Williams

"Moments of solitude with Mother Nature, is sunshine to a soul." ~A.D. Williams

"More knowledge nourishes the mind. More love nourishes the heart. More truth nourishes the soul. More wisdom follows." ~A.D. Williams

"My faith is not in a religion. My faith is not in a man. My faith is in God." ~A.D. Williams

"My friends come from many species." ~A.D. Williams

"My heart breaks, and my soul weeps, when witnessing cruelty to any living being." ~A.D. Williams

"My heart weeps when I see abuse or cruelty to any animal." ~A.D. Williams

"Nature is art in the purest form." ~A.D. Williams

"Never allow another to take the hopes from your heart, the dreams from your mind, or the goodness from your soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Never be cruel or unkind to anyone, or anything, at any time. Never." ~A.D. Williams

"Never underestimate the goodness a single act of kindness brings to humanity." ~ A.D. William

"Never underestimate the power of the goodness within you. This power of goodness can change or heal your life and the lives of others around you." ~A.D. Williams

"No animal on earth should live an unloved life or feel unwanted. None." ~A.D. Williams

"No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone." ~A.D. Williams

"No other animal in history has contributed to our modern era more than the horse. This natural bond speaks to us of the ability of man and animal to commit to work together and care for each other in the spirit of love." ~A. D. Williams

"Not a single creature deserves to be mistreated, or abused. Not a one." ~ A.D. Williams

"Not a single creature on earth has more or less right to be here." ~Anthony Douglas williams

"Not all can help other animals. But all can cause no harm, seek no harm, and do no harm." ~A.D. Williams

"Not all creatures on earth are cute and cuddly, but they have as much right to be here as you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Not everyone is in the position to help other animals, but everyone is in the position not to harm them." ~A.D. Williams

"Nothing can replace a mother's love for her child. Nothing." ~A.D. Williams

"Nothing has a greater influence on the lives of children than the lives of their parents." ~A.D. Williams

"On earth, money is the power. In heaven, love is the power." ~A.D. Williams

"One can not be spiritually fulfilled until another animal has touched one's soul." ~A.D. Williams

"One day, all of mankind will understand there are a countless number of animals waiting to communicate with us. Waiting to be our friends. Waiting for our love." ~A.D. Williams

"One day religions will disappear, but God will not." ~A.D. Williams

"One day we will know that all animals have a soul. Hopefully this knowledge does not come when it is too late." ~A.D. Williams

"One day we will realize that big hearts will bring us more peace than big weapons." ~A.D. Williams

"One day we will understand the languages of other animals. I hope and pray they will forgive mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"One hug comforts two hearts." ~A.D. Williams

"Only as a collective human spirit can we vanquish greed, hatred, and war." ~A.D. Williams

"Other animals can't speak, lobby, protest, or demand their right to exist in peace and freedom on earth. It is humanity's responsibility." ~A.D. Williams

"Other animals have hearts that feel, eyes that see, and families to care for, just like you and me." ~A.D. William

"Other animals kiss and hug, because they have emotions and feelings. They know love." ~A.D. Williams

"Other animals simply want to live in peace and harmony. Just like you and me." ~A.D. Williams

"Other animals stand on the same ground as mankind. We must learn to share our common earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Our hearts have a limitless capacity to love. If we each tried to fill our hearts to capacity, the world would know peace." ~A.D. Williams

"Our life on earth is just a fragment of our journey." ~A.D. Williams

"Our minds are guided by earthly thoughts. Our souls are guided by heavenly thoughts." ~ A.D. Williams

"Our purpose is simple - to love. To love each other, to love all life, and to love our earth." ~A.D. Williams

"Our souls make us spiritual beings. Our bodies make us human beings." ~A.D. Williams

"Our souls speak through our actions not our words." ~A.D. Williams

"Our souls will not deceive us. Our minds will." ~A.D. Williams

"Our thoughts do not last. Our words and actions do." ~A.D. Williams

"Our thoughts do not last. Our words and actions do." ~ A.D. Williams

"Our thoughts will not determine our lives. How we act upon our thoughts will." ~A.D. Williams

"Our words and actions reflect our wisdom." ~A.D. Williams

"Peace and Love are best friends." ~A.D. Williams

"Peace begins with love and respect." ~A.D. Williams

"Peace. Freedom. The joy of living. This is what all animals seek." ~A.D. Williams

"Peace and Love are best friends." ~A.D. Williams

"Pre-historic man as hunters, I understand. Today's man as hunters, I don't understand." ~A.D. Williams

“Re-energize your soul... Walk with Mother nature.” ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Respect others. Help others. Love others. These are the keys that unlock our soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Revenge and hate reside in minds. Forgiveness and love reside in souls." ~A.D. Williams

"Seek truth. Seek love. Seek wisdom. Find peace." ~A.D. Williams

"Seek wisdom. Speak truth. Act kind. Sleep well." ~A.D. Williams

"Shine your light on love and truth and your soul will glow." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Silence has a mysterious calming affect, allowing your soul to be at peace with your thoughts." ~A.D. Williams

"So many deserve a better life." ~ A.D. Williams

"Some believe violence shows strength and courage. It doesn't. It shows weakness and cowardice." ~A.D. Williams

"Some don't understand why I let my dog sleep on my bed. That's okay, my dog understands." ~A.D. Williams

"Some of the greatest minds on earth live in the seas." ~A.D. Williams

"Some people don't understand why I talk to animals. Thats ok, the animals understand" -Anthony Douglas Williams

"Souls glow when giving or receiving an act of kindness." ~A.D. Williams

"Spend time with nature. Spend time with your soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Spending time with children is more important than spending money on children." ~A.D. Williams

"Spiritual guidance comes from the soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Spiritual living is sharing goodness and kindness with all life." ~A.D. Williams

"Spiritual souls recognize that all animals are spiritual beings." ~A.D. Williams

"Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Spirituality is a not religion; it is a way of life." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Stop the harm. Start the harmony." ~A.D. Williams

"Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature. It will nurture your mind, body, and soul." ~A.D. Williams

"Take care of yourself. There is only one you. You are unique and precious." ~A.D. Williams

"The earth is large enough for all to share, but mankind's heart is not large enough to care." ~A.D. Williams

"The best path to happiness is thankfulness." ~A.D. Williams

"The best way to live is to give." ~A.D. Williams

"The destruction of other animals must change to the protection of other animals. Not only for the sake of other animals, but for the sake of our spirituality." ~A.D. Williams

"The easiest way to fill our hearts with joy is to fill the hearts of others with joy." ~A.D. Williams

"The essence of spirituality is universal love." ~A.D. Williams

"The hardest animal to love is mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"The hero of my life is Love." ~A.D. Williams

"The kinder we are, the happier we are." ~A.D. Williams

“The kinder we are, the kinder we become. The kinder humanity becomes.” ~A.D. Williams

"The kindest are the wisest." ~A.D. Williams

"The love and kindness within our soul is revealed in the twinkle of our eyes, the glow of our smiles, and the gentleness of our words." ~A.D. Williams

"The majesty of creation forms my faith in the Creator." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"The meaning of life, for all animals, is a life of freedom." ~ A.D. Williams

“The miracle of life is enough for me to believe in miracles.”  ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"The more animals we love, the more we love animals." ~A.D. Williams

"The more time we spend with Mother Nature, the more we fall in love with her." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"The more we appreciate animals and nature, the more we appreciate life." ~A.D. Williams

"The more we bond with other animals the more we understand that we are all brothers and sisters on earth." ~A.D. Williams

"The more we love our earth, the more we love our life." ~A.D. Williams

"The more we understand and love other animals, the closer we are to heaven." ~A.D. Williams

"The natural cure for stress is nature." ~A.D. Williams

"The only animal that harbors hate is mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"The only thing worse than judging others, is judging them incorrectly." ~A.D. Williams

"The past, the present, and the future are virtually seconds apart." ~A.D. Williams

"The quality of friendships is more important than the quantity of friends." ~A.D. Williams

"The road to peace begins with truth, is paved with respect, and ends with love." ~A.D. Williams

"The rhythm of life is love." ~A.D. Williams

"The shortest path to peace is truth." ~A.D. Williams

"The spirit of freedom is not unique to mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"The souls of many others have touched my soul, and not all were other people." ~A.D. Williams

"The sounds of man's cities and machines are noise. The sounds of animals and nature are divine." ~A.D. Williams

"The strength of one's spirituality is determined by one's treatment of other people and other animals." ~A.D. Williams

"The strong must help the weak, and the rich must help the poor. Those with must help those without. This is what humanity is all about." ~A.D. Williams

"The true sign of strength is gentleness." ~A.D. Williams

"The unclaimed and unknown acts of kindness done on earth, are well known in heaven." ~A.D. Williams

"The universe is eternal and so is your soul." ~A.D. Williams

“The wisest one does what is right.” ~A.D. Williams

"The words we choose to speak decide the life we choose to live." ~A.D. Williams

"There are many harmless animals on earth. Man is not one of them." ~A.D. Williams

"There are many living beings on earth that require our care, love and protection, and not all are human." ~Anthony Douglas Williams, Inside the Divine Pattern

"There are more dangerous humans on earth than dangerous animals." ~A. D. Williams

"There are more peaceful animals on earth than peaceful people." ~A.D. Williams

"There are no acceptable reasons for abuse or cruelty to any living being. None." ~A.D. Williams

"There are no limits to the amount of love and wisdom one can take to heaven." ~A.D. Williams

"There are places on earth where we can catch a glimpse of heaven." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"There is a divine beauty and grace within all animals." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"There is a divine beauty within all life. To feel this beauty is a spiritual experience." ~A.D. Williams

"There is always one friend you can trust - your dog." ~A.D. Williams

"There is great satisfaction hidden within simplicity." ~A.D. Williams

"There is no limit to the love our souls can hold." ~A.D. Williams

"There is only one animal that is feared by all other animals - mankind." ~A.D. Williams

"There was a time when man could communicate with all animals, but we have since forgotten their language." ~A.D. Williams

"There was a time when we mingled freely and safely among other animals, but we have since lost their trust." ~A.D. Williams

"They have been here for millions of years without fear of survival. Man has changed this." ~A.D. Williams

"Think of what would happen if everyone woke this morning thinking of helping others instead of helping themselves - likely peace on earth. This is heaven." ~A.D. Williams

"Those given no choice in their faith, are not given faith, they are given doctrine." ~A.D. Williams

"Those in control of their emotions, are in control of their life." ~A.D. Williams

"Those in need of hope, must be given hope." ~A.D. Williams

"Those that abandon other animals abandon their own spirituality. Those that harm other animals harm their own spirituality. Those that destroy other animals destroy their own spirituality." ~A.D. Williams

"Those that respect other animals, respect other people." ~A.D. Williams

"Those that will always help a friend, will always have a friend." ~Anthony D. Williams

"Those who care the most, share the most." ~A.D. Williams

"Those who harm the harmless are capable of harming anyone or anything." ~A.D. Williams

"Those who hug often, embrace life." ~A.D. Williams

"Those who live with kindness, truth, respect and love, are living a spiritual life." ~A.D. Williams

"Those who think spiritually, act spiritually. They leave paths behind them, built with acts of kindness." ~A.D. Williams

"To be able to say how much love, is love but little." ~Petrarch

"To be, they must be free. Just like you and me." ~ A.D. Williams

"To become something great often requires overcoming something greater." ~A.D. Williams

"To survive today, other animals must endure global warming, pollution, and fewer habitats. More tragically, they must endure the silence of human hearts." ~A.D. Williams

"To truly love our own life, we must love all other life." ~A.D. Williams

"Today's youth are in touch with technology, but they have lost touch with nature." ~A.D. Williams

"Travel the road of love and you will never be lost." ~Anthony D. Williams

"Treating all animals with dignity, respect, and care is an essential part of a spiritual lifestyle." ~A.D Williams

"Treat other animals as friends, and they become friends. Treat other animals as family, and they become family. Give other animals your love, and they will love you in return." ~A.D. Williams

"True riches are found in big hearts, not in big wallets." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth frees souls." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth has many friends, and not all are human." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth has no fear." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth has no opinions." ~A.D. Williams

“Truth has no worries.” ~A.D. Williams

"Truth is clothed in clarity." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth is pure." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth is within all nature." ~A.D. Williams

"Truth seeks light, lies seek shadows." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"Truths are quiet. Lies are loud." ~A.D. Williams

"Unconditional love is expressed more readily by other animals than by other people." ~A.D. Williams

"Valuable friends will bring more richness to your life than valuable things." ~A.D. Williams

"Violence is a sign of weakness. Gentleness is a sign of strength." ~A.D. Williams

"Walk with a big heart. Wear a big smile. Live happy." ~A.D. Williams

"We all come from the same source. We are humanity. No one is a stranger. We are one." ~A.D. Williams

"We all go homeward. Heavenward. All of us." ~A.D. Williams

"We all think. All of us." ~A.D. Williams

"We are all spiritual beings meant to live together in harmony. All of us." ~A.D. Williams

"We are each given a limitless capacity to love and attain wisdom. The extent we use these gifts is our choice." ~A.D. Williams

"We are each given a special power. A power that can change your life, and the lives of those around you. It is the the power of love." ~A.D. Williams

"We are far more likely to be harmed by our fellow man than by our fellow animals, yet we call animals wild and dangerous and we call man advanced and civilized." ~A.D. Williams

"We are grateful for your service. We will never forget. May the world know peace and freedom because of your courage and sacrifice." ~A.D. Williams

"We are here to do the best we can, with the talents we are given, in the spirit of kindness." ~A.D. Williams

"We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. We are here to create, not destroy." ~A.D. Williams

"We are here to love all life and attain wisdom. Then we return home." ~A.D. Williams

"We are here to protect and care for all animals as our fellow loving, living beings." ~A.D. Williams

"We are never alone. We are humanity. We are family. We are one." ~A.D. Williams

"We are never alone when we are with Mother Nature." ~ A.D. Williams

"We are souls on a spiritual journey, and we are humans on a life journey. Wisdom, truth, and love are our guides on this journey." ~A.D. Williams

"We can all learn from the love, devotion, and commitment shown by the dog and the horse." ~A.D. Williams

"We can watch other animals disappear, or we can save them. It's our choice." ~A.D. Williams

"We can't change our yesterdays, but we can change our tomorrows." ~A.D. Williams

"We do not know how far the power of love can take us until we love everyone." ~A.D. Williams

"We know what we must stop doing. We know what we must start doing. Our earth is at a turning point. We also know that." ~A.D. Williams

"We live a spiritual lifestyle when we treat all life with care, kindness, and love." ~A.D. Williams

"We live in a world of greed - whatever it takes to succeed. This we need to heed." ~A.D. Williams

"We make war for the love of one's country. We must make peace for the love of humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"We may think we are smarter than all other animals, but our destructive acts to nature and other animals do not validate this." ~A.D. Williams

"We must embrace Mother Nature. She is our friend. We must never make nature our enemy, for we will surely lose that battle. When Mother Nature calls on you for help, listen to her. Take care of all living things, from the largest ocean, to the smallest creature." ~A.D. Williams

"We must live in peace with nature and other animals, before we can live in peace with other people." ~A.D. Williams

"We need something, other than wealth, to measure mankind's success. Something like peace." ~A.D. Williams

"We need their forgiveness. They need our love and care." ~A.D. Williams

"We search for life on other planets and in other regions of our galaxy. Meanwhile, we destroy and ignore the other life on this planet." ~A.D. Williams

"We share the same Creator." ~A.D. Williams

"We want much. We need little." ~A.D. Williams

"We will not be what we can be, until we let other animals be." ~A.D. Williams

"What the animal kingdom has endured over the centuries, by the hands of humans, has scarred the soul of humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"What would you think if all your thoughts reached heaven?" ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"What you can become depends upon what you can overcome." ~A. D. Williams

"When an act of kindness touches another soul, all humanity becomes stronger." ~A.D. Williams

"When humanity measures wealth by love, truth and wisdom we will all be rich." ~A.D. Williams

"When humans act with cruelty we characterize them as 'animals', yet the only animal that displays cruelty is humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"When I found God, I lost religion." ~A.D. Williams

"When I hug my dog I get a different feeling of love. It is an emotion that is spiritually unique." ~A.D. Williams

"When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal, I see a living being, I see a friend, I feel a soul." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"When I look into the eyes of some animals, I can feel their anguish, and loss of freedom. Their souls touch my soul." ~A.D. Williams

"When I visited the zoo as a child, I was happy to see the animals. Now, I do not visit the zoo, because I do not see the animals, I see their sorrow." ~A.D. Williams

“When love is spoken, I listen. When hate is spoken, I am deaf.” ~A.D. Williams

"When man is silent, the voiceless become hopeless." ~A.D. Williams

"When one forgives ... It frees two souls." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"When one mystery is solved other mysteries appear." ~A.D. Williams

"When our actions are based on good intentions our soul has no regrets." ~Anthony Douglas Williams

"When the mind and heart are in harmony, the soul is content." ~A. D. Williams

"When the power of love replaces the power of greed, heaven will touch earth." ~Anthony D. Williams

"When we bring another animal into our home we accept it as family. For life." ~A.D. Williams

"When we care for every living creature on earth, we will stand on heaven's ground." ~A.D. Williams

"When we care for nature, we also care for humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"When we help and care for the helpless and uncared for, we become angels in human form." ~A. D. Williams

"When we learn to respect all life, we learn to love all life." ~A.D. Williams

"When we live with truth we never disappoint our soul." ~A.D. Williams

"When we lose an animal species to extinction, we lose part of our family." ~A.D. Williams

"When we love an animal as our family, we begin to understand animals are our family." ~A.D. Williams

"When we treat other animals as our children they become family. When we treat other animals as our pets they become pets." ~A.D. Williams

"When we understand God is part of us and we are part of God, then religions will disappear." ~A.D. Williams

"When we understand our purpose here, we will respect and care for all life." ~A.D. Williams

"When you do right, you feel right. When you do good, you feel good. Do right. Do good. Feel better." ~A.D. Williams

"Who speaks for other animals if not mankind?" ~A.D. Williams

"Wild animals are not as dangerous as wild men." ~A.D. Williams

"Wisdom is only useful when it is used." ~A.D. Williams from Inside the Divine Pattern

"Wisdom may not change your life, but it will change how you deal with your life." ~A.D. Williams

"With each person our heart loves, our soul becomes stronger." ~A.D. Williams

"Words are powerful. Use them carefully. Use them lovingly. Use them wisely." ~A.D. Williams

"Words have great power. The power to help, the power to heal, and the power to hurt. Use this power carefully." ~A.D. Williams

"You belong here. They belong here. We belong here." ~A.D. Williams

"Your smile brings beauty to both you and humanity." ~A.D. Williams

"Your soul is content when your conscience is clear." ~A.D. Williams

"Your soul is the best teacher." ~A.D. Williams

"Your soul is your spiritual guide." ~A.D. Williams



Author Anthony Douglas Williams was born in Ontario, Canada. Before beginning to research and write his book 'Inside The Divine Pattern' Anthony was in the film industry. He opened his own family film distribution company in the early 90's as he was against the increasing violence in mainstream films, he was also the editor of a film industry magazine.

Anthony believes that he was led to write his book and reveal the Divine messages hidden in lost knowledge and ancient mysteries, showing links between modern scientists and ancient philosophers.

Source: Spiritual Quotes to Live By

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