Table of Contents


Quotes on GARDENS

"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden. " ~Anon

1. Welcome all bees and butterflies!

2. A garden is a friend you can visit anytime.

3. May all my weeds be wild flowers.

4. A garden is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

5. If you can only do one thing, keep the lawn mowed. 


"A rule to remember when dealing with garden pests: if it is slow-moving, stamp on it; if it is fast-moving, leave it alone--it will probably kill something else." ~Esme Boughey

"As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.”  – John Muir

"Bees, especially honeybees, are born attracted to the colour purple. ... as flowers in the violet-blue range produce the highest volumes of nectar." ~Plews Garden Design 

"Cares melt when you kneel in your garden." ~Anon 

"Don't chase the butterfly. Mend your garden, let the butterfly come." ~5d truth 

"Don't wear perfume in the garden unless you want to be pollinated by bees." ~Anne Raver 

"Every child is a different kind of flower. And altogether make this world a beautiful garden." ~Anon 

"Every garden tells a story of joy and growth, where we cultivate not just plants but also the happiness of life. Embrace the simple pleasures and find harmony in nature!" ~Searles Gardening  🌿🌺

"For the city dwellers, a 'garden in the sky' mat been just the stuff that dreams are made of." ~Louise Riotte

"Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes." ~Clare Ansberry 

"Gardens are a form of autobiography." ~Sydney Eddison

"Gardens are the result of a collaboration between art and nature." ~Penelope Hobhouse

"Gardening: a leisure-time activity involving lots of time and little leisure." ~Anon 

"Gardening and laughing are two of the best things in life you can do to promote good health and a sense of well-being." ~David Hobson

"Gardening in the mind is a gentle vice with an impetus of its own it may not be as potent as actually making one, but there is a whole different threshold where gardening in the head can fill our winter tranquility with unrest." ~Mirabel Osler

"Gardening is a medicine that does not need a prescription... and has limit on dosage." ~Anon

"Gardening is art to me." ~Christine Chandler, Awesome Australia (on her pale pink pig face daisies garden)

"Gardening requires lots of water-most of it in the form of perspiration. " ~Lou Erickson

"Gardening is the work of a lifetime you never finished." ~Oscar De La Renta

"He  who has a garden and a library wants for nothing." ~Marcus Tullius Cicero 

"How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence." ~Benjamin Disraeli

"I am fonder of my garden for the trouble it gives me." ~Reginald Farrer 

Mt Annan
January 7, 2023

"If I had a flower for each time I thought of my mother,  I could walk in my garden forever." ~Jane Maxwell,  from her book with the same title 

Photo by Lovely Greens

"If there's one thing that could bring more peace to our world, it's gardening. As the saying goes...if you have time for drama, you're not gardening enough." ~Lovely Greens

"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." ~Abram L. Urban

"In the garden we cultivate not just plants but also the joy of life." ~Searles Gardening 

"It is an exciting time in gardening. Attitudes are changing. More people are keen to tend their bits of land in a way that is in tune with nature." ~Jane Powers 

"Of all the shade plantings, the woodland garden is the most forgiving and the one dearest to my heart." ~Sydney Eddison

"First day of Spring. One of the joys of lockdown is to able to enjoy your garden especially in Spring." ~Ku-ring-gai Art Center, September 1, 2021

Nene Mamone's Garden
23 February 2023

"Plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul,  instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers." ~Jorge Luis Borges 

"Silence and alone time will give us energy and endless peace spent mine in my garden."~Elena Zaragoza Escubio 

"The garden has been part of my life every day, in every season and in all weather. It has witnessed my greatest joys and absorbed my deepest sorrows." ~Sydney Eddison 

"The garden is the poor man's apothecary." ~German Proverb 

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." ~Hanna Rion 

"The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?" ~Jack Kornfield

“The heart is the garden that always has room for the flowers of kindness and friendship to bloom.” ~Anon

"The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough." ~George Edward Moore from Mastering Relationship With Love

"The hum of bees is the voice of the garden." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

"The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies." ~Gertrude Jekyll

"The men of experiment are like the ant; they only collect and use. But the bee…gathers its materials from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own." ~Leonardo da Vinci

7 October 2012

"The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers." ~Basho

"... there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind's eye." ~Katherine S. White

"There are so many cheery wee robins in the garden this morning. Always the first birds to appear, even before sunrise. Such happy heart-warming chirps all around." ~FB, Happy and Free to be Me. 

"There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling." ~Mirabel Osler

"There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colours are brighter, the air softer, and the morning air more fragrant than ever again." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

"There is always music amongst the trees in the garden but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it." ~Anon

"There's no quicker way than to extinguish the spark that ignites the joy of gardening than by taking on too much too soon." ~Edward C. Smith 

"There's nothing like a homegrown vegetable garden ... Feed on nothing but water and sunlight fortified by earthworms." ~Leah C. Dancel, 29 April 2013

Home garden of Matt and Irene
The Blue Mountains 
1 September 2023

"Think of your garden as a feeding station and safe haven for bees, birds and other wildlife, with flowers, berries and seed heads, etc." ~Dear Bees from Buzz About Bees

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." ~Audrey Hepburn

Guimaras Island
December 12, 2019

"Walked for half an hour in the garden.  A fine rain was falling, and the landscape was that of autumn.  The sky was hung with various shades of gray, and mists hovered about the distant mountains - a melancholy nature.  The leaves were falling on all sides like the last illusions of youth under the tears of irremediable grief.  A brood of chattering birds were chasing each other through the shrubberies, and playing games among the branches, like a knot of hiding schoolboys.  Every landscape is, as it were, a state of the soul, and whoever penetrates into both is astonished to find how much likeness there is in each detail." ~Henri Frederic Amiel H

"We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.” ~Dale Carnegie

"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden." ~Anon

Cactus Garden 
Elena Zaragoza Escubio's
Home Garden 
5 October 2023

"We might think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it is our garden that is really nurturing us." ~Jenny Uglow 

"We must be kind and gentle gardeners with people and nature." ~Bryant McGill

“We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.” ~Leonora Carrington

"When I look at many of the flowers in my own garden, their names give an extra bonus to their beauty." ~Francis Gay 1987 (from CAH)

"When we see the Beloved in each person, it's like walking through a garden, watching flowers bloom all around us." ~Ram Dass

"When you enter a well-tended garden and see a fresh, beautiful rose, you want to pick it. But to do so, you have to touch some thorns. The rose is there, but the brambles are also there. You have to find a way to understand the thorns so you can pick the rose. Our practice is the same. Don't say that because there are thorns you cannot be happy. Don't say that because there is still anger or sadness in your heart, you cannot enjoy anything at all. You have to know how to deal with your anger and sadness so you don't lose the flowers of joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms." ~Ma Jaya

Photo credit to Hedda Tady 

"When I see heaven and earth as my own garden, I live that moment outside the universe." ~Japanese Folk saying

"Wherever there is a garden to be tended there is a soul ready to bloom." ~Adele Basheer

"When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden." ~ Minnie Aumonier

"With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy." ~Lope de Vega

Photo credit to  Australian School of Herbal Medicine 

"Within us, a flower and fruit garden thrives and blooms." ~Rolaiza Mimi Singayao

"Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you." ~Richard Brinsley Sheridan

“Would it not be more tranquil and serene to be a gardener and tend the plants?” ~Sun Tzu

"You are a beautiful flower in the garden of humanity." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"You whispered in my ears like early spring:
“I am the call of Love,
can you hear me in the full grasses,
in the scented winds,
it is I who makes the garden smile.”
"Your life is your garden, your thoughts are the seeds. If your life isn't awesome, you've been watering the weeds." ~Anon

"Your minds may now be likened to a garden, which will, if neglected, yield only weeds and thistles; but, if cultivated, will produce the most beautiful flowers, and the most delicious fruits." ~Dorothea Dix

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"Down by the sally gardens my love and I did meet;
She passed the sally gardens with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree."
~William Butler Yeats


"I have a garden of my own,
Shining with flowers of every hue;
I love it dearly while alone,
But I shall love it more with you."
~Thomas Moore



What makes a garden?
Flowers, grass and trees,
Fragrance, grace and color:
Lovely gifts like these.

What makes a garden
And why do gardens grow?
Love lives in gardens--
God and lovers know!

~Caroline Giltinan
From God is Love 1975


"Let first the onion flourish there,
Rose among the roots, the maiden-fair
Wine scented and poetic soul
of the capacious salad bowl."
~Robert Louis Stevenson



"Blossoms on the plum,
Wild wind and merry,
Leaves upon the cherry
And one swallow come.
~Norah Hopper


"Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits.

Take care of your garden
And keep out the weeds,
Fill it with sunshine
Kind words and kind deeds."


"We went down into the silent garden.
Dawn is the time when nothing breathes,
the hour of silence.
Everything is transfixed,
only the light moves."
~ Leonora Carrington

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"A plant produces a million seeds, and who knows how any single one will do?
A tiny acorn becomes an oak forest.  Another gets squashed by a bulldozer clearing ground for the new condo complex." ~David Tracey

"A simple leaf for me is God's handiwork with its intricate mechanism to feed the world." ~Francisco Amoy, FB, 23 May 2016

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."~Emily Bronte

"Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a bulb, a lovely garden in a seed, and a giant Oak in an acorn." ~William Arthur Ward

"Flowers of course are famous for their fragrances, forms, and inspirational displays, but there is something wonderfully satisfying about plucking a vegetable from its bed, brushing the soil off its roots, and thinking about how you will cook it in the evening meal." ~Janelle McCulloch

“Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.” ~Rumi

"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." ~John Burroughs

"I don’t have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard." ~Queen Latifah

“I, you, he, she, we In the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions.” ~Rumi

"Keeping things simple with a drop of water into your pond and lots of plants looks stunning!" ~The Splosht Team

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust

"Let us linger a while in the wonderful old Lilac walk. It is a glory of tender green and shaded amethyst and the grateful hum of bees, the very voice of Spring." ~Alice Morse Earle

"Real friends overlook your broken fence and admire your flowers." ~Muses from a Mystic

"Some things will grow for you; some will not. Climate is not something to ignore; nor is the consistency of soil, nor location." ~Gladys Taber

"The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain signing to it... you and you alone make me feel that I am alive... Other men, it is said, have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough." ~George Moore

"The soil of our mind contains many seeds, positive and negative. We are the gardeners who identify, water, and cultivate the best seeds." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"There's nothing like homegrown vegetables ... Feed on nothing but water and sunlight, fortified by earthworms." ~Leah C. Dancel, 29 April 2013

"We all have the seeds of love in us. We can develop this wonderful source of energy, nurturing the unconditional love that does not expect anything in return." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"What makes a real gardener?... There are many elements, but I think they should include a fondness for dogs and an amazing taste in hats." ~Robin Lane Fox 

"We must be kind and gentle gardeners with people and nature." ~Bryant McGill

“When your heart becomes the grave of your secrets, that desire of yours will be gained more quickly. The prophet said that anyone who keeps secret his inmost thought will soon attain the object of his desire. When seeds are buried in the earth, their inward secrets become the flourishing garden.” ~Rumi


"An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup." ~Henry L. Mencken

"And he gave it for his opinion, that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together." ~Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels

"Better to eat vegetables and fear no creditors, than eat duck and hide from them." ~The Talmud

"He had been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, which were to be put into vials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw, inclement summers." ~Jonathan Swift

"I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mosses from and Old Manse

"In the night the cabbages catch at the moon, the leaves drip silver, the rows of cabbages are a series of little silver waterfalls in the moon." ~Carl Sandburg

"It's a guy thing to plant vegetables in your front flower bed, but then again, it's also a guy thing to put them out back in a big rectangle. It's a little radical to put them in front, a statement that you can do whatever you want in your own damn yard." ~Warren Schultz

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." ~Lewis Grizzard

"Our vegetable garden is coming along well, with radishes and beans up, and we are less worried about revolution that we used to be." ~E. B. White

"The first gatherings of the garden in May of salads, radishes and herbs made me feel like a mother about her baby - how could anything so beautiful be mine. And this emotion of wonder filled me for each vegetable as it was gathered every year. There is nothing that is comparable to it, as satisfactory or as thrilling, as gathering the vegetables one has grown." ~Alice B. Toklas

"There's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow... it's called good health." ~Growing Organic, Eating Organic, FB Page, 28 April 2013

"Vegetable gardening might be considered one of the great conservative rituals." ~David M. Tucker, 1993

"We try to create our gardens by giving them form, depth, dignity and character. But in the end, I think it's our gardens that give those things to us." ~Janelle McCullough 


in the water bucket
a melon and an eggplant
nodding to each other
- Yosa Buson

•✿•~ ~•✿•~

"Now thin mists temper the slow ripening beams
Of the September sun: his golden gleams 
On gaudy flowers shine, that prank the rows 
Of high-grown hollyhocks, and all tall shows
That Autum flauntreth in his bushy bowers..."
~Robert Seymour Bridges
from "The Garden in September,"(1914)

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais Nin

"Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers." ~Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

"Bees, especially honeybees, are born attracted to the colour purple. ... as flowers in the violet-blue range produce the highest volumes of nectar." ~Plews Garden Design 

"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

🌿"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.'" ~The Talmud

"Every plant you pass has a cultural or medicinal significance, and many of those have been learned from watching animals." ~Mark Hunter

"Evolutionary biologists are not content merely to explain how variation occurs within limits, however. They aspire to answer a much broader question-which is how complex organisms like birds, and flowers, and human beings came into existence in the first place." ~Phillip E. Johnson

“Farming is not just a job, it’s a way of life.” ~Anon

 "Flowers of course are famous for their fragrances, forms, and inspirational displays, but there is something wonderfully satisfying about plucking a vegetable from its bed, brushing the soil off its roots, and thinking about how you will cook it in the evening meal." ~Janelle McCulloch

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." ~Aeschylus

"Much talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about." ~Saskya Pandita

"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture." ~Thomas Jefferson

"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." ~Masanobu Fukuoka

"The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion to the poet. A bird seems to be at the top of the scale, so vehement and intense his life. . . . The beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds -- how many human aspirations are realised in their free, holiday-lives -- and how many suggestions to the poet in their flight and song!" ~John Burroughs (1837 - 1921)

"Their nest is a few leaves in the bottom of a hollow in a tree, where they lay up to eight eggs. They feed on seeds and like open spaces with scattered clumps of trees for roosting and nesting. Land-clearing and cereal crops have favoured galahs and they are now often so common that we forget how beautiful they are."
Source: Birds Australia (The Galah is one of the natural clowns of the bird world.

"When my hoe tinkled against the stones, that music echoed to the woods and the sky, and was an accompaniment to my labor which yielded an instant and immeasurable crop" ~ Henry David Thoreau

“You grow plants at home; from the time of sowing to when they are full-grown, ... If they do not bear fruit, would you not be very disappointed?" ~Y M Yang

Garden Info 

FUN FACT: A sunflower is not just one flower. In fact, the fuzzy brown centre and classic yellow petals are actually 1000+ individual flowers held together with one stalk 🌻Lifted from Donna Beazley 

"Begin by cleaning up what you already have and ensuring your flower beds have plenty of mulch. You can then divide your existing flowers and herbs (if you're on a budget) to fill up your garden or get some new plants to add in."~Donna Beazley  🌷🍊


From All Gardening Cafe, UK Group by Phil 

Shared by Sandra Nicoll 

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