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Dante Dancel Quotes

"Father God, Thank You for Your Word which lights my path and directs my heart. I submit every area of my life to You and put You first in everything I do. Teach me Your ways so I can walk with You and experience everything You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen." ~Dante Dancel

"Father in heaven, thank You for equipping me to be a blessing to others. Show me ways to be a dream released and help others to rise up higher. Help me to use my influence to encourage others and honor You always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen." ~Dante Dancel

"Heavenly Father, I want to fulfill Your law of love by serving and helping others. Show me how to be a blessing to the people around me so that I can help carry their burdens. In Jesus’ Name. Amen." ~Dante Dancel

"I choose to feed my faith by declaring Your Word over my life so that I can tap in to every blessing You have for me." ~Dante Dancel

"In the goodness of your heart, you have given us your great gift of Life." ~Dante Dancel

"My Lord, be with me each moment of this day. Help me to be mindful of your never ending Love and inspire me to show my love for you by responding generously to the needs of others. In all that I say, in all that I do may I do it for you." ~Dante Dancel

"Today, I give You my broken dreams, disappointments, failures and setbacks and trust." ~Dante Dancel

"You may be facing disappointment, pain and setbacks today, or even criticism from those you love, but don’t get discouraged. Adversity could be the very thing God uses to take you to new levels. Remember, God can turn your life around in a moment and move you 'further and faster' than you ever dreamed." ~Dante Dancel