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Aulus Persius Flaccus Quotes

"But when to-morrow comes, yesterday's morrow will have been already spent: and lo! a fresh morrow will be for ever making away with our years, each just beyond our grasp." ~Persius (Cum lux altera venit, iam cras hesternum consumpsimus; ecce aliud cras egerit hos annos et semper paulum erit ultra.)

"Our life is our own to-day, to-morrow you will be dust, a shade, and a tale that is told. Live mindful of death; the hour flies." ~Persius (Nostrum est quod vivis, cinis et manes et fabula fies. Vive memor leti, fugit hora.

"The man who wishes to bend me with his tale of woe must shed true tears – not tears that have been got ready overnight." ~Persius (Nec nocte paratum, plorabit qui me volet incurvasse querella.)

“We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays.” ~Persius on Worry

PERSIUS, Roman Satirist