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Bryant H. McGill Quotes

"A democracy of mean and ignorant people is just as scary as any other horrible form of government." ‪~Bryant McGill

"A life of success comes from seeking a life of beauty." ~Bryant McGill

"A moment of truth is very powerful. Instead of smiling to be polite, just frown. Instead of laughing when you are nervous or uncomfortable, just speak your truth. Instead of acting like everything is all right, proclaim it isn't alright, and talk about your feelings! Honor your truth. Honor yourself. Be real." ~Bryant McGill

"An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in their understanding of things." ~Bryant McGill

"As free as you allow others to be, such freedom you create for yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"As your consciousness, refinement and pureness of heart expands you will become less judgmental, less corrective, less reactive, less black-and-white, less critical, less apt to blame and less tormented by others and their faults and views." ~Bryant McGill

"Acknowledge something beautiful and something beautiful will acknowledge you." ~Bryant McGill

"Advertisements make us ashamed of our blemishes, imperfections and flaws, but these so-called flaws are really our strengths and gifts." ~Bryant McGill

"Be calm and create a clear, safe space in your mind. Just because your world is falling apart doesn't mean you have to fall apart. When everything seems crazy, you be calm." ~Bryant McGill

"Be open to others; give people a chance.
Be open to yourself; give yourself a chance."
~Bryant McGill

"Being more positive just takes practice. You can retrain your mind to see the best possibilities in everything." ~Bryant McGill

"Beauty speaks to us in moments." ~Bryant McGill

"Beneath your burdensome regrets and who you think you are through the lens of past mistakes, there is someone beautiful who wants to emerge. You are not your mistakes and your mistakes are not you. You are so much more than your mistakes. Allow your truth to emerge. Your truth cannot emerge buried under a mountain of guilt and regret. Your past is like a bag of bricks; set it down and walk away. Quit collecting every painful word, memory and mistake. Collect hope. Hope is lighter." ~Bryant McGill

"Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist." ~Bryant McGill

"Change is inevitable. Your personal and spiritual evolution will always be seen as a betrayal by those whose values you abandon. You have a right to change your values, beliefs and ideas. The discomfort you feel when you attempt to change is just the social control that surrounds you becoming more obvious and bearing down on you. There is nothing more spiritual than freedom and it is very spiritual to violate old beliefs for new values." ~Bryant McGill

"Change takes time. It takes time for the seeds to begin growing within, time to understand and process, time for the growth to mature, and time for the old self to die and fall away." ~Bryant McGill

"Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are." ~Bryant H. McGill

"Choose thoughts that give you the emotions of being alive and excited about life." ~Bryant McGill

"Choosing beauty and love does not mean being uninformed or weak; it means you clearly see the ugliness, but choose love anyway." ~Bryant McGill

"Create a beautiful place inside of yourself and then begin to expand and build outward." ~Bryant McGill

"Dare to see yourself for what you really are! Do not be limited by the judgements of others. Do not believe the lie of limitations. Inside of YOU is every possibility ever known. Close your eyes and visualize your divine beauty." ~Bryant McGill

"Do not wallow in your mistakes. Do not grovel and prostrate yourself in hopes of forgiveness. We all make mistakes. Apologize and move forward. Do not replay the event in your head. Do not continue to beat yourself up. Do not profusely explain, defend yourself, make excuses or blame. After you apologize, do no more explaining; never explain more than once — ever. When you keep explaining and rehashing you just keep your mistake alive. Learn your lesson and adjust your behavior and move forward. Let people see you overcoming your mistakes with integrity. Most mistakes which seem huge in the heat of the moment are quickly forgotten. We often even further bond with others through surviving our mistakes together. Big mistakes are an outstanding opportunity to showcase your ability to recover and have grace under pressure. The bigger the mistake the bigger the opportunity. This is how you turn it all around." ~Bryant McGill

"Do something different today. Think something different. Get off of the hamster wheel and push back on life a little. Stretch yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"Do what you can to help people but have the wisdom to accept your limits." ~Bryant McGill

"Don't allow others to make you feel small. You came to this world to grow and to explore and touch the miracles and marvels of life." ~Bryant McGill

"Don't be afraid to express your love. Open yourself to feeling everything. Living without feeling is no different than not living at all." ~Bryant McGill

"Don't dwell on sadness. Joy will take you where you want to go." ~Bryant McGill

"Don't hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin." ~Bryant McGill

"Dreams do come true for those who dare to believe in themselves." ~Bryant McGill

"Each person you meet is a lesson to be learned." ~Bryant McGill

"Empowerment is never about blame; it is about taking personal responsibility." ~Bryant McGill

"Even the softest and sweetest heart was made by design for extreme battle. Make no mistake about it, no matter how kind, meek, humble and soft your giving heart is — you are a warrior!" ~Bryant McGill

"Every beautiful thing in the world is rooted in some kind of pain." ~Bryant McGill

"Every beautiful thing you say to someone becomes a part of them and you." ~Bryant McGill

"Every ending is creating the space and opening for an amazing new beginning." ~Bryant McGill

"Every one of us must eventually face the storm." ~Bryant McGill

"Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life." ~Bryant McGill

"Everything worthwhile takes time, nurturing and love. When something isn’t working, love it more, nurture it more and give it more time." ~Bryant McGill

"Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life. Prayers are at the very least meditations. A positive thought is a silent prayer; a negative thought — a silent curse. A single thought can flood your body with emotional stress, or calming relief. Your thoughts have tremendous power over your feelings and perceptions. When we feel powerless in a hostile world we can at least practice quelling the enmity in our minds. Think deliberately. Think carefully. Think purposefully. Think positively. Pray for your own deliverance from your own vicious thoughts. Ask for forgiveness — forgiving yourself for the terrible things you have thought about yourself. Ask for the strength to never curse yourself or others again. Your positive thoughts are both the prayer, and the answer to your prayer. Each positive thought is your refuge and your sanctuary, where in that thoughtful moment, you are safe. Begin now with loving thoughts and allow these quiet prayers to transform your life." ~Bryant McGill

"Evolve your understanding of success from the outer realm of control, materialism, and ego, to the inner realm of surrender, spirituality, and compassion." ~Bryant McGill

"Everything and everyone is your teacher." ~Bryant McGill

"Fear is a prison, where you are the jailer. Free yourself!" ~Bryant McGill

"For those we love we carry our hopes deeply in our hearts. Our hearts anguish when we must watch their painful mistakes. We suffer when they suffer; we rejoice in their joy. Our connection is tempered in both strife and triumph. We struggle, cry, pray and hope for the best. We sometimes feel taken for granted or unappreciated. But we stand by their side; steady, true and unwavering. For those we love we will carry any burden. Love is the promise that we will be there tomorrow. This is dedicated to those we love and cherish. A Promise — today, tomorrow and forever." ~Bryant McGill

"Forcing good behavior is itself a bad behavior. You can only teach good behavior by living it." ~Bryant McGill

"Forgiveness has nothing whatsoever to do with how wrong someone else was; no matter how evil, cruel, narcissistic or unrepentant they are, when you forgive a person, you break the unhealthy bonds between you and your abuser-victim relationship, and you redefine yourself as an independent victor in your own life." ~Bryant McGill

"Forgiveness is about your peace of mind." ~ Bryant McGill

"Freedom is in sunlight, mountain hikes, riversides and in the night's sky full of stars. Freedom is in laughter and in tears, and in moments we hold someone we love. Freedom is in breaking bread together. Freedom is in the quietness and in your breath; it is deeply felt in ordinary moments. Freedom is simply knowing what's real. Freedom is doing what's right. Real freedom may seem pretty boring by today's standards; it is not spectacular, bedazzling, enthralling or entertaining — but it means absolutely everything. Freedom is a forgotten land waiting for you to remember. Begin to remember." ~Bryant McGill

"Freedom is the realization that it is sufficient to simply be a human being." ~Bryant McGill

"Get out of your own way. Learn to exist gracefully and peacefully with yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life." ~Bryant McGill

"Haven't you been listening to your inner-voice? Be honest, your gut has been screaming but you have been ignoring it. How much more of your life are you going to throw-away for a lie? Accept it. Some people never change. Some people have abusive, negative, controlling tendencies in their blood; they are wired for havoc, bickering and deception. They know of no other way to interface with others except through their created chaos. Chaos is their home-court advantage where they play their mind-games so they can have power over you; it's a rigged game you can never win. They will wear you ragged and bring you to your knees emotionally and physically. In time they will destroy every wonderful thing you have in your life. You are in danger: your health, your peace of mind, your happiness and maybe even your life. There is more than one way to lose your life; quickly through violence, or fettered-away and wasted around dreadful, toxic people. You must take control of your life and make good decisions for yourself. The insanity must end, for your sake and for theirs." ~Bryant McGill

"Hold the vision of that beautiful world for yourself first. Think positively and lovingly about yourself. Look for the beauty you seek first within yourself. Once you find your positive vision, then share the victory of your loving attitudes with everyone you meet, through your calm and generous successes." ~Bryant McGill

"Hope meets you halfway on a bridge called faith." ~Bryant McGill

"Humility taught me that every person is a winner." ~Bryant McGill

"I can't stress enough that the opportunities are not "out there" — they are inside of you as a part of your own self-realization." ~Bryant McGill

"If one cannot speak their truth, and be their own truth, then what is life beyond an unbearable lie?" ~Bryant McGill

“If we fear the unknown then surely we fear ourselves.” ~Bryant McGill

"If you act falsely everything around you will be false." ~Bryant McGill

"If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in poor company." ~Bryant McGill

"If you are not on your path of purpose, you will only have misery in your life." ~Bryant McGill

"If you are present you will find hidden gifts in the simplest moments." ~Bryant McGill

"If you believe in yourself and work with joy, passion and patience you can live your dream — no matter what that dream looks like — it can be yours." ~Bryant McGill

"If you can resist becoming negative, bitter or hopeless, in time, your struggle will give you everything." ~Bryant McGill

"If you could just believe in your own beauty, you could then believe in the beauty of others." ~Bryant McGill

"If you have had a bad day, remember that tomorrow is a wonderful gift and a new chance to try again." ~Bryant McGill

"If you make it right with yourself, it will be right with the whole world." ~Bryant McGill

"If you want an incredible life and you have a bad attitude, and are mean to people — you can just forget about it. If you are cynical, pessimistic, judgmental, shallow and petty, you don't deserve success, because success is empowering, and petty people should never be given power. You have to earn the right to an incredible life by being an incredible person." Bryant McGill

"If you want the perfect relationship, start with the one you have with yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"If you want to be happy you must become a happiness seeker. You have to think about happiness, look for the happiness, seize the happiness and believe with all of your heart that you deserve happiness." ~Bryant McGill

"If you want your life to be different you have to start reacting to life differently." ~Bryant McGill

"If you work hard and have integrity you can accomplish anything, but never expect a single soul to be happy for you. Do it for you!" ~Bryant McGill

"It is essential that you follow your own idea of passion, even if to others it looks like suffering." ~Bryant McGill

"It's not judging to have eyes. It's not judging to know something. You don't have to walk in someone else's shoes to see they are about to walk off a cliff. If you see someone about to walk off a cliff, yell and stop them. You can judge in service without out a haughty or arrogant heart. You were born to judge just as you were born to think. Your whole life is a series of judgements and adjustments. Don't let people batter you from the bully-pulpit about judging to the point that you suppress your common sense. They are not holier than you because they call their judging "discernment." Don't listen to "non-judgers," who judge your judgement; it's hypocritical hogwash. We judge people constantly. We were born to judge. You can judge a behaviour without condemning a soul. Someone's salvation is out of your jurisdiction but once they have opened their mouth the invitation to judge is irretractable. People often use the "judgement card" to hide when you are getting too close to the truth for comfort. Hang on to your judgement. Good judgement will keep you safe. Good judgement can and does save lives. Don't be afraid of your rightful power to judge others. Judging is one of your most powerful tools you have to protect those you care about, and yourself, from harm." ~Bryant McGill

"It's not wrong to be upset. It's not wrong to cry. It's not wrong to want attention. It's not even wrong to scream or throw a fit. What is wrong is to keep it all inside. What is wrong is to blame and punish yourself for simply being human. What is wrong is to never be heard and to be alone in your pain. Share it. Let it out." ~Bryant McGill

"It is the garden of peace you seek, but it is not a tangible place that exists in the world - it is within." ~Bryant McGill

"It will feel impossible; like you are dying inside — this is your soul crying out for life. It may take everything you have; every ounce of will and strength. You will lose a part of yourself trying to save something essential and innocent. And when you have given everything, you will recover, and you will be set free, and you will discover there was even more in you than you ever knew." ~Bryant McGill

"Kindness is the supreme intelligence." ~Bryant McGill

"Learn to catch yourself and stop yourself immediately when you are engaging in negative self-talk." -Bryant McGill

"Let the change begin with your choices this very moment." ~Bryant McGill

"Let the hurt soften you instead of hardening you. Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt lead you to love, and not to hate." ~Bryant McGill

"Let the past be the past. It's time." ~Bryant McGill

"Let your existence be enough for a moment." ~Bryant McGill

"Life calls different people in different directions and sometimes fate knows best." ~Bryant McGill

"Life has a way of shining on people who stand in the sunshine of kind actions." ~Bryant McGill

"Life has dark moments and it is out of our darkness that we often find our greatest beauties and strengths." ~Bryant McGill

"Life is a practice. You are what you do each day." ~Bryant McGill

"Life is always speaking to us at every moment. The subtle whispers, cues, and nudges are there as guideposts, to gently carry the humble listener along the path back to the source and the true self. Always choose to trust yourself and your ability to listen." ~Bryant McGill

"Life is the wishing-well. You make a wish every day by how you live your life." ~Bryant McGill

"Listen to your Intuition and the quiet prompting of your Heart." ~Bryant McGill

"Live with kindness, integrity and spirituality. Comport yourself with grace under pressure. Be an asset in the lives of others. Put people before things and live from your heart. Be intelligent, but know it is better to be kind than smart. Be a peacemaker who values peace and takes peace everywhere you go. Learn to understand your energy and how you create with your energy. Have among your priorities the characteristics of politeness, compassion and patience. Avoid making rash assumptions. Be a believer in true love. Seek deep communication with others and with yourself. Laugh and make the best of every situation. Understand that life is not perfect. Be whole enough to love and to be loved. When you find real love — protect and preserve the sweetness and intimacy of your gift. Make your home a heaven on Earth." ~Bryant McGill

"Love is such a deep gratitude. When you are truly in love with life, every breath you take is gratitude." ~Bryant McGill

"Mean people are really just sad people. They hurt others because they are hurting. Every person is born beautiful, and much of the ugliness in others was put inside of them by other hurting people." ~Bryant McGill

"MISERY loves good company, so if you are surrounded with DRAMA, GOSSIP and FOOLS you may want to consider that you are presently at risk of becoming one of them." ~Bryant McGilll

"Never stop sharing your love with people; that's why you were put on Earth." ~Bryant McGill

"Never think you are weak if you cry. Every tear is replaced with Wisdom and Strength." ~Bryant McGill

"No matter what you do — stand up for who you are and be honest about your feelings. Even if it seems like you will be crucified for it; even if you think you will not be as successful or as liked — in the end, it's only your honesty that will have mattered." ~Bryant McGill

"No one can set your level of worthiness except you." ~Bryant McGill

"No one wants to give-up on someone they love, such as a relative, friend or lover. But, sometimes we are forced to make hard decisions by extraordinary suffering. It's easy to judge, or say, "never give-up," until you have been there. Eventually, you begin to realize that life is too short and your powers to teach, influence or heal are limited. You finally accept that their emptiness, pain and dysfunction requires more than you have to give. You can't hand your whole life and soul to someone who doesn't even care about their own. Letting go is an excruciating heartbreak; mourning the death of what once was. If you did let someone go, and you still have guilt, it's time to forgive yourself and begin to heal. If it is time to let someone go, for their sake, or for yours, then this may be your confirmation." ~Bryant McGill

"No one wants to suffer. No one wants to be lonely. No one wants to live in fear. No one wants to lose everything. No one wants their heart ripped to shreds. No one want to be sick. And, no one wants to die. But these things happen in life. So the least we can do is be there for others, as we would like others to be there for us." ~Bryant McGill

"No time is better spent than that spent in the service of others." ~Bryant McGill

"Of course you want to be a good person and be helpful to people in need, but it's impossible to give to others if you have been used-up. Being a good person has nothing to do with allowing people to destroy you. There are limits. You can best help others from a position of strength, not weakness. So, don't forget to be good to yourself first. Don't forget to take care of you! It is never cruel to want to save yourself from being swamped by fools. Remember, this is your life and you have the right and responsibility to make good decisions for yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"On the still calm waters of surrender, the reflections of clarity appear." ~Bryant McGill

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." ~Bryant McGill

"One positive thought, is the victory you need today!" ~Bryant McGill

"Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate."-Bryant McGill

"Once you reach the summit of your own heart you will see beauty is everywhere." ~Bryant McGill

"Only inner-mastery can bring outer-mastery." ~Bryant McGill

"People who are out of control desperately need to observe your healthy boundaries in-play to learn from your example. You best teach others about healthy boundaries by enforcing yours on them. There is a difference between giving-up and strategic disengagement. Know the difference. Learn how to let people go. Stop holding-on to the wrong people. Let them go on their own way; if not for you, then for them." ~Bryant McGill

"Persistence is the most traveled path to success." ~Bryant McGill

"Possibility is born out of impossibility. The voids define the forms. Even now, your pain and weakness is giving form to your strength." ~Bryant McGill

"Quit assuming others have it better. Everyone suffers tremendously in life. You are not finished or washed-up. Maybe you are just beginning." ~Bryant McGil

"Quit hanging on to the past; fantasizing, dreaming, wishing and replaying it. You can't change it. You just haven't realized it yet it, but you have moved on. You are different now; not of the past, but of now — a different person. You don't need what the past had. Your life is here today. Your greatest moments are ahead of you and are right where you are now, so seize them while you can, before it is too late." ~Bryant McGill

"Real love is opening your heart to the unlovable. Real gratitude is giving thanks when things aren't perfect. Real generosity is sharing when you have very little. Real courage makes the 'impossible' — possible, with real faith." ~Bryant McGill

"Real love sometimes means saying goodbye." ~Bryant McGill

"Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward — get real with yourself!" ~Bryant McGill

"Risk is your only chance of really living. Safety is a fatal illusion; a slow-motion dream killer." ~Bryant McGill

"Run, leap and celebrate, for you are alive today!" ~Bryant McGill

"Some of the most amazing people in the world were not perfect; they were scarred by suffering, hardships, losses and imperfections. But, when they recovered, they were stronger, wiser, and more loving and compassionate. Your life is going to get better in the proper time, and you will be stronger and more at peace than ever before." ~Bryant McGill

"Some of the people we adore most — like the moth to the flame — seem hell-bent on destroying themselves. Their attraction to their inevitable undoing is heartbreaking to watch, and something you will never understand. All you can do is pray." ~Bryant McGill

"Some people are so addicted to their misery that they will destroy anything that gets in the way of their fix." ~Bryant McGill

"Some people cannot love you the way you want to be loved, because they are emotionally and spiritually frozen. They recoil from or avoid affection. You will never meet a deep penetrating gaze from their shallow eyes; only a surface glance. They will touch your hand with their hand, but never with their heart. They will serve your body but not your soul. They can only connect with you through utility, but never passion. If you need cupcakes or a jar opened, they are perfect; if you need compassion or wisdom, you are all alone. They are only a person as society made them, not as nature intended them. They live life so perfectly, but know nothing of life at all. They did everything they were told to be a good person, but are hardly a person at all. They are empty. They are dead inside. They will break your heart if you let them. They are usually very judgmental. They see themselves as nice but are often mean and cold. They feel themselves superior. They think everything they do is exactly the way it is supposed to be done. They are repeaters. They lack original thought. If you challenge their slumber with awakened thoughts, they will panic and flee. They will make you feel crazy because they only believe what the masses believe. They are the embodiment of the masses, because they have not become their own individual person. Individuation is an attainment of spiritual maturity — frighteningly seldom attained in today's world. You cannot change these people. They are trapped inside of themselves; stunted. You will waste your whole life waiting for them to wake-up to the treasure of what you have to offer. You cannot snap them out of their sleep. Only a tragic event will awaken them." ~Bryant McGill

"Sometimes a person needs us to abandon them, but we hang-on anyway, which can be devastating for both parties. Helping others can sometimes even be a convenient distraction from addressing our own unresolved issues. When someone you know is so toxic and destructive that they are poisoning your life, you have to create some distance. They need you to walk away as much as you need it." ~Bryant McGill

"Sometimes, right when you think your life is getting better, then everything falls to pieces and you end-up right back where you started. In those moments justremember, that right when your life has fallen apart, something unexpected will come along; a new person, friend, opportunity or discovery, that will help you put the pieces back together again. Things may be different, but you will love your life again in time." ~Bryant McGill

"Sometimes the best way to save someone is to walk-away." ~Bryant McGill

"Spirituality will take you like love; it seduces you from contemplation to completeness." ~Bryant McGill

"Start creating your world instead of letting the world create you!" ~Bryant McGill

"Staying in an unhealthy relationship can keep a person from finding their own way and moving to the next level of their own path — and that person could even be you. Sometimes the best way to save someone is to walk-away. Real love sometimes means saying goodbye." ~Bryant McGill

"Stop holding-on to the wrong people. Let them go on their own way; if not for you, then for them." ~Bryant McGill

"Stop your worrying, panicking and stressing. Breathe. Remember, you made it this far through difficulties that seemed impossible. Remember how many times you were saved at the very last minute — this time is no different." ~Bryant McGill

"Successful people fail more! Fail, learn, recover, regroup and retry." ~Bryant McGill

"Take a moment to deliberately notice one beautiful thing in your life. Acknowledge something beautiful, and something beautiful will acknowledge you." ~Bryant McGill

"Take some quiet time for yourself. In the quietness you will begin to recognize yourself again." ~Bryant McGill

"Taking care of yourself is the most powerful way to begin to take care of others." ~Bryant McGill

"Tears are good. What flows is alive. Crying is like a thundershower for the soul. The air feels so wonderful after the rain. Don't think too much. Breathe. Don't be harsh or demanding on yourself. Just experience your feelings and know that your tears are announcing change in your life. Change is coming; like a summer rain — to wash away your pain. Have faith that things are getting better." ~Bryant McGill

"The beautiful path is not a place outside of yourself, but rather a place you carry with you everywhere you go." ~Bryant McGill

"The greatest thing you will ever do in your life is be yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"The harder you work on yourself the more the external things you couldn't change, will change on their own." ~Bryant McGill

"The intimate space of your personal life should be reserved for amazing, beautiful, radiant souls — good, wholesome and loving people. Your truest family is your chosen family, people with whom you most identify. Make a clear decision on the type of people you want in your life and if they don't make the cut, then create some distance." ~Bryant McGill

"The joy and smile of even one child is worth more than the prancing intellects of a thousand men." ~Bryant McGill

"The love and attention you always thought you wanted from someone else is the love and attention you first need to give to yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"The mark you leave in another's heart is always left in yours; for better or worse." ~Bryant McGill

"The more something upsets you, the more it is meant for you. When it no longer upsets you, it is no longer needed because the lesson is complete." ~Bryant McGill

"The more spiritually aware you become the more you will focus on your own self and less on others." ~Bryant McGill

"The number one skill in life is not giving up." ~Bryant McGill

"The one and only true freedom we all possess is what we think." ~Bryant McGill

"The people who walk away are not meant to be a part of your future. Let them go. Your life is with those who stay, and they deserve all of you." ~Bryant McGill

"The realities of the world seldom measure up to the sublime designs of human imagination." ~Bryant McGill

"The repayment for your good acts are the good acts themselves." ~Bryant McGill

"The secret to permanently breaking any bad habit is to love something greater than the habit." ~Bryant McGill

"The simple rhythms of nature are calling you. Let them wash away the clutter and distractions from your false life. The false world is full of illusions and misery. Open yourself to the natural and become a human again." ~Bryant McGill

"The trees which are pruned watered and nurtured by caring hands bear the greatest fruits; it is the same with people." ~Bryant McGill

"The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts." ~Bryant McGill

"Then one day, I looked around and saw, that the ugly world was a different and more beautiful place, because I was different and more beautiful. I had somehow emerged on the other side of the looking glass. I was on what I call, "The Beautiful Path," a positive life path, walking hand-in-hand, with the dreamers, believers, lovers and keepers of the faithful vision, of a kinder and more beautiful world." ~Bryant McGill

"There is a difference between giving-up and strategic disengagement. Know the difference." ~Bryant McGill

"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love." ~Bryant H. McGill 

"There is nothing you will ever do that is more important than being honest about who you really are." ~Bryant McGill

"There is so much beauty in the world around you acknowledge the beauty--even the smallest thing--beauty will acknowledge you." ~Bryant McGill

"This is your chance at life — right now. How will you choose to live it? Fettered away by agonizing drama, stress, fear, worry and endless nonsense? Or, savored in a deep and meaningful exploration of rich experiences, passions, people and wonderment? Each day the choice is yours to choose. Be brave and choose wisely!" ~Bryant McGill

"Those who see the world though the lens of love are the true visionaries." ~Bryant McGill

"Through forgiveness you can be free of the tragedies and pain in other people's failures." ~Bryant McGill

"To every soul you encounter, be a mirror, which reflects only their beauty." ~Bryant McGill

"To find true love, simply be the love you seek." ~Bryant McGill

"To forgive another person means you have first condemned them. When we condemn others we condemn ourselves. When we judge and agonize over another's faults, we become attached to their imbalance and sickness. When we hold-on to someone's imperfections we become emotionally pair-bonded to their maladies. At a deeper level, when we constantly meditate on another's faults, it is because we are neglecting our own unhealed wounds. Forgiveness is another way of saying, 'I need to mind my own business.'" ~Bryant McGill

"To live a wonderful life create more, buy less, hug more, scold less, give more, take less, forgive more, worry less and be grateful everyday for life. Live with kindness, integrity and spirituality." ~Bryant McGill

"Today, I call upon my Higher Power to deliver me from the impossible to the possible; from darkness to light, and from fear to courage." ~Bryant McGill

"Toxic relationships are dangerous to your health; they will literally kill you. Stress shortens your lifespan. Even a broken heart can kill you. There is an undeniable mind-body connection. Your arguments and hateful talk can land you in the emergency room or in the morgue. You were not meant to live in a fever of anxiety; screaming yourself hoarse in a frenzy of dreadful, panicked fight-or-flight that leaves you exhausted and numb with grief. You were not meant to live like animals tearing one another to shreds. Don't turn your hair gray. Don't carve a roadmap of pain into the sweet wrinkles on your face. Don't lay in the quiet with your heart pounding like a trapped, frightened creature. For your own precious and beautiful life, and for those around you — seek help or get out before it is too late. This is your wake-up call!" ~Bryant McGilll

"True freedom and power only comes when one is free of attachments." ~Bryant McGill

"Truth that exposes your denial can feel like judgment. If you feel yourself being judged, don't always trust those feelings. Look for what you may be denying about yourself. This is how to heal and grow!" ~Bryant McGill

"Value is your way out of the trap!" ~Bryant McGill

"We are all constructed out of our self dialogue." ~Bryant McGill

"We are all damaged. We have all been hurt. We have all had to learn painful lessons. We are all recovering from some mistake, loss, betrayal, abuse, injustice or misfortune. All of life is a process of recovery that never ends. We each must find ways to accept and move through the pain and to pick ourselves back up. For each pang of grief, depression, doubt or despair there is an inverse toward renewal coming to you in time. Each tragedy is an announcement that some good will indeed come in time. Be patient with yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"We must be kind and gentle gardeners with people and nature." ~Bryant McGill

"We only hurt others because we hate ourselves. Learning to truly love yourself changes your relationship with everyone." ~Bryant McGill

"What frustrates you right now will be over one day, and believe it or not, you will miss something about it. So look at your challenges with a degree of appreciation. This may be where you are now, but not tomorrow, and when that time comes you will realize that it all had great purpose in your life." ~Bryant McGill

"What they hate is their own lack of self-control, so they control you. What they despise is your strength. What they hold in utmost contempt is your refusal to be controlled and to accept their lie that it's your fault." ~Bryant McGill

"Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth." ~Bryant McGill

"When pigs fly... People will treat you the way you treat them; You will never be judged by appearances; You will never be taken for granted; Your heart will never be broken again; People will know what you have been through. When you fly... None of those things will matter. Spread your own wings and soar!" ~Bryant McGill

"When someone is vicious toward you they are giving you a glimpse of the pain they carry in themselves." ~Bryant McGill

"When someone you know is so toxic and destructive that they are poisoning your life, you have to create some distance." ~Bryant McGill

"When the dark clouds of doubt, anger or worry begin to move upon you, steady yourself in the knowledge that in time, the storm will pass. Emotions are transient and temporary. But, the more one has engaged in a particular pattern of thought, the more difficult it becomes to override these habitual patterns, which is why it is very important for you to immediately begin using your power of choice, to feed the good wolf, or the higher-mind. Habit can be your worst enemy, or your best friend. Over time, one can habituate their mind to higher vibrational thought patterns. The mind can be habituated to feelings of compassion, gentleness, empathy, and even calmness and confidence in the face of uncertainty and tribulation. Your future begins with your next thought. Even now as you read this, the power is completely yours. The next second belongs to you, and no one can control how you choose to think at any time. No one can make you feel any certain way. Only you choose how you feel or how you react to the situations of life. This is a most empowering concept. Worrying is a victim's state of mind. Worry is the opposite of power. Worrying is a state of helplessness, weakness, and victimization. Choice is the antidote to worry, because in that moment of worry, you can choose to respond to the situation with confidence, faith, surrender, and humility. You can choose at that moment to commission your mind, which was previously subdued by the debilitating thoughts of worry, into the service of formulating solutions you need to free yourself from your troubles. Your mind wants to work for you! Allow your mind to serve you. This is mindfulness — observing your mind and taking control over where it places its attention." ~Bryant McGill

"When the storm of life comes howling and raging outside your window; when you look that tempest in the eye, there will be a quickening in your instincts. In that moment, you will burn with aliveness. Your total intelligence knows exactly what to do, because you were made to weather the storms of life." ~Bryant McGill

"When the storm rips you to pieces, you get to decide how to put yourself back together again." ~Bryant McGill

"When the voices of doubt start whispering, turn-up the volume of faith and listen to your heart." ~Bryant McGill

"When we are touched by humility we awaken to a moment of gratitude where we are free from our unpleasant pasts, and free from the torture of future expectations. Humility feels like a thankful-awareness of the present moment. Humility is patient because it is neither past nor forward seeking — it is content. Accept your present opportunities; the pleasant and the painful, which are both seeking to perfect you. Humility adds lessons to our pain and suffering, turning the seemingly senseless into meaning. You only have a chance right now, in this moment — but only through humility." ~Bryant McGill

"When we judge and agonize over another's faults, we become attached to their imbalance and sickness.
Let it go." ~Bryant McGill

"When you act honourably, even if the others don't, your honourable actions are your irretractable reward to yourself." ~Bryant McGill

"When you are generous, sometimes people will take advantage. You may be respectful and yet some people will still be unkind. You may be a good person, and some people will nonetheless still treat you terribly. We don't always get what we give, but that's fine, because you aren't giving it for them anyway, at least not exclusively. It's really all a statement by, about and for you. How you treat others is really about who you choose to be in this life. The repayment for your good acts are the good acts themselves. When you act honorably, even if others don't, your honorable actions are your irretractable reward to yourself. Who you chose to be — decision by decision and act by act — is the great reward you receive by doing good. What is well one is well received. The mark you leave in another's heart is always left in yours; for better or worse. Just because people are not nice to you doesn't mean you have to be unkind back. That's how the world changes — one brave person like you being kind." ~Bryant McGill

"When you feel lost turn towards love. Become a seeker of beauty in all things." ~Bryant McGill

"When you give others a new chance, a new chance is really being given to you." ~Bryant McGill

"Who you allow into your life, mind and heart are among the most important decisions you will ever make." ~Bryant McGill

"Who you spend your time with is who you are, or who you will soon become." ~Bryant McGill

"Wisdom doesn't come easily or without a cost; in fact wisdom often costs us dearly. Your wisdom will run about as deep as pain has cut you. There are very few shortcuts, if any. But if you are looking for best shortcut available here it is — LISTENING." ~Bryant McGill

"You are being called to heal yourself, not to agonize over your mistakes. Quit overthinking; this is what surrendering really means. Don't focus on your problems and don't obsess about "fixing" things. Avoid forcing "positive thinking." These thoughts can be psychological irritants. Just leave yourself alone! When you pick at things they never heal. Simply relax and give yourself some time." ~Bryant McGill

"You are nothing less than a miracle!" ~Bryant McGill

"You are so much more than your mistakes." ~Bryant McGill

"You are the source of your pain. Even when someone hurts you, you choose how to struggle, resist, deny and receive." ~Bryant McGil

"You become rich by having a rich heart. You become wealthy by spending your poverty well and kindly." ~Bryant McGill

"You came to this world to grow and to explore and to touch the miracles and marvels of life. Your suffering needs to be respected. Don't try to ignore the hurt, because the hurt is real. Instead, let the hurt prove there is hope through your healing. Let the hurt soften you instead of hardening you. Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt deliver you to love, and not to hate." ~Bryant McGill

"You can always hold out for something better when you know your self worth." ~Bryant McGill

"You can only hide from yourself in the noise, but not in the quiet. If you truly want to get to know yourself, then get rid of the distractions. If you want to really understand what has been holding you back, then simply and calmly focus your full attention within, and observe." ~Bryant McGill

"You can't always expect others to treat you right, but you can treat yourself right." ~Bryant McGill

"You cannot avoid facing yourself your whole life. If you avoid your truthful emotions and pain you will implode and contract into a diminished and feeble state. Growth and empowerment requires reflection and facing the frightening, ugly, hard and unbearable reality. People are often clever masters at fooling themselves and not seeing the obvious right in front of them. One of the fastest ways to move through your pain is to get a grip on reality. Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward — get real with yourself!" ~Bryant McGill

"You cannot change another person's mind or educate them; this they must do themselves." ~Bryant McGill

"You can't hand your whole life and soul to someone who doesn't even care about their own." ~Bryant McGill

"You cannot heal what you refuse to first acknowledge." ~Bryant McGill

"You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them." ~Bryant McGill

"You cannot save people from themselves. All you can do is stand firmly in your hopes for them, with compassion." ~Bryant McGill

"You don't create by hating something, you create by loving something." ~Bryant McGill

"You have the heart of a warrior and you were designed to survive!" ~Bryant McGill

"You have to have faith if you want to make it out of the woods. Faith is your only hope for deliverance." ~Bryant McGill

"You have to trust in your own value if you want others to recognize your value." ~Bryant McGill

"You may try a thousand ways to make it work before you find the one way that works for you. There may be long pauses between your best and brilliant moments where it all just seems cloudy. Looking back at all you had planned, you may find you are not even close to where you thought you would be. But it is happening; this life of yours. What works for you is good enough. Those long pauses may be some of your sweetest moments. Your journey may have taken an unexpected turn or two, but it took you directly to who you are today. It all added up to something after all — to you becoming you." ~Bryant McGill

"You must clear out what you don't want, to make room for what you do want to arrive." ~Bryant McGill

"You were always stronger than your fear and pain." ~Bryant McGill

"You will be blessed the moment you realize you already are." ~Bryant McGill

"You will be filled with as much love, wealth and prosperity as you can open yourself to receive. Everything is waiting for you." ~Bryant McGill

"You will find beauty in every person and experience if beauty has been cultivated within. The supreme hallmark of reality is balance. Balance and fullness exists in the polarity of all things. How we choose to perceive affects how we partake of reality; narrowly or completely. When you succumb to cynicism, darkness, pessimism and sarcasm you are amplifying imbalance and negativity. Dominant negativity cheats reality of its mutual positives." ~Bryant McGill

"Your attitudes contain your future." ~Bryant McGill

"Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax." ~Bryant McGill

"Your entire life has unfolded for your heart's ascension to love." ~Bryant McGill

"Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life." ~Bryant McGill

"Your heart is not broken. Hearts don't break. What you are feeling is growing pains. Your heart is expanding in wisdom, compassion, and strength, so one day, you can love even more." ~Bryant McGill

"Your life will be so much better when you start trying to understand and have compassion for people who hurt you — instead of just reacting and hurting them back." ~Bryant McGill

"Your past is like a bag of bricks; set it down and walk away. Quit collecting every painful word, memory and mistake. Collect hope." ~ Bryant McGill

"Your positive thoughts are both the prayer, and the answer to your prayer." ~Bryant McGill

"Your struggle is your strength. If you can resist becoming negative, bitter or hopeless, in time, your struggles will give you everything." ~Bryant McGill

"Your suffering needs to be respected. Don't try to ignore the hurt, because it is real. Just let the hurt soften you instead of hardening you. Let the hurt open you instead of closing you. Let the hurt send you looking for those who will accept you instead of hiding from those who reject you." ~Bryant McGill

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