Table of Contents


Erik Erikson - Play

"Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords." ~Erik Erikson

Source: Dance with me in the heart 

Greg Crippen - Journey to love

"As you awaken, you will come to understand that the journey to love isn't about finding "the one", the journey to love is about becoming "the one." ~Greg Crippen

Source: Dance with me in the heart



"I would stress to acquire knowledge so as to use the knowledge to acquire my riches rather than using my energy in stress for riches.

Time  will come that the energy will be robbed by the stress and nothing will be left to aid your struggles.But sound knowledge never diminishes .

Invest on knowledge acquisition,by God's grace,it hardly fails ."

@I'M Senison

"Our Memory is a Mirror of our                   Action.Constant self-evaluation is key to discover a new self." ~@I'M Senison

"The teacher who loves teaching teaches the learners to love learning" ~Ikwulono M Senison

"Where there is no meat of contentment, there is a bone of contention." ~I. M. Senison


Jason Rosenthal - Simple moments

"There is beauty in the simple moments that life has to offer." ~Jason Rosenthal, TEDTalks


Len Mesina RESARE Quotes

"Always remember.....It is the responsibility of intellectuals to expose lies, tell the truth, take stand for what is proper and uphold integrity no matter what, if possible." ~Len Mesina Resare, 28 August 2024

"Be there for everyone but never left yourself behind. Self care is necessary too." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Being too kind invites a lot of disrespect." ~Len Mesina Resare

"Can never be feign:
Aura, vibe, mindset, affection, goals, desire, attention, love, compassion, energy, calling, genes, intelligence, purpose  and destiny." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Do not carry the burden that is not ours to carry. Focus on your own purpose, goals and dreams." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"If a person brings bad luck or curse, never let him/her  enter into your home. Energy, vibe and aura matters a lot.Be mindful instead, protect the ambience,  peace, prosperity, warm and coziness of your home.If you know what I mean, you will get it." ~Len Mesina Resare,
#Just an unsolicited advise. ❤️

"It is so easy to burn bridges if that bridges will lead  you to suffering and hell." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Maturity is not about understanding great big things in life but in understanding small things with empathy and tolerance." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Most  highly intelligent and smart people  are innately introvert and emphatic people that's why they have  small circle of real friends. They have lower tolerance on drama, stupidity and nonsense, but they are  very reliable people, always." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Most open minded people are bookworms, they read a lot." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Never consider yourself an eagle if you love hanging out with chickens, birds and pigeons." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"Once in a while know how to stir the pot properly so that impurities will come out or surface." ~Len Mesina Resare

"People who loves using other people on their way up will eventually lost their balance and end up nothing, unable to find their way up again." ~Len Mesina Resare

"Smart and wise people can pretend fools, but fools can never pretend wise and smart." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"The authenticity is weak because the hypocrisy is strong." ~Len Mesina Resare

"We can never go wrong with kindness, humility, goodness and nobility." ~Len Mesina Resare 

"When all efforts failed,harassment follows." ~Len Mesina Resare, 28 August 2024, KOJC under seige 

"Wise, smart and clever people know how to follow their direction or path  amid chaos, challenges, obstacles and adversities in their lives. They do not let their emotions overpower their intelligence." ~Len Mesina Resare

"You cannot satisfy an ungrateful heart and soul no matter how hard  you explain and try. Move forward and live your life, but never forget to carry your gift of discernment with you wherever you go." ~Len Mesina Resare 


President Choue Chung-won - Peace

"Peace is more precious than triumph." ~ President Choue Chung-won, World Taekwondo 


Michelle Zatlyn - People

"People don't take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it." ~Michelle Zatlyn